Chapter 80: No breaks~

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           Jimin laid there, keeping his gaze at Jungkook as he rose his hand up to caress the side of Jungkook's face. He knew how much his alpha loved him and absolutely couldn't turn down the offer of having their next pup. It was the fact that Jimin wanted so much pups to raise, that even his alpha wanted to stand by him and support him through it all. Jimin just despised the thought of taking the pills at the moment and having his own alpha catch him like that. He just didn't want the pup around the stress and drama they've been facing. Bringing them along would alone cause vulnerability to the small family.

          “Jungkook… I didn't mean to have you catch me like that… I was only thinking..” Jimin whispered to his husband. Raising his knee up against the alpha's leg to get Jungkook to pay attention during their break. “I… I had second thoughts.”

           “I know you do, Babe… If you can promise me you can trust me, that'll be just fine!” Jungkook said with a smile as he then caressed his omega’s face to lean in and give him a kiss in his arms. “I'm going to need your trust, babe…” Jungkook continued as he just couldn't let go of his omega even once! He adored Jimin so much, he even showed how clingy he was through the break of a heat or rut! “Babe… You're so cute~” Jungkook cooed and hugged the omega tighter.

          “A-AH! K-Kookie..” Jimin hissed silently as he then began to giggle once Jungkook instantly released the omega after hearing his omega grow even the slightest of discomfort.

         “...Like I was saying, don't give in your hopes of having a pup… I promise you babe, I'll be here to protect you, Minho, and our future pup.” Jungkook promised. It felt as if he replayed those singular words to his husband about a thousand times and counting; Jimin just couldn't seem to lay back on the thought and allow Jungkook to protect him like he always promised before. “Please… Let's keep the pup…” Jungkook whispered as Jimin felt the alpha against his omega's chest. This alone left Jimin to softly caress his lover's hair back and kiss his head softly.

            “I will.. For us.. Okay?” Jimin replied as Jungkook smiled so happily and suddenly sat up.

             “Good! Does my omega want to eat something?” Jungkook asked as he tilted his head with a cute bunny smile. “Don't be afraid to tell me, Babe.”

             “Oh I'm not used to hearing you coo all over me like this~ lay down I'll get myself something.” Jimin insisted as he then stood up from the bed to walk off when Jungkook then watched his husband’s every step.

             “Maybe I should go with you too!” Jungkook insisted, But Jimin only glanced back and held up a finger. “I'm not hungry… But I want to follow!”

             “Ah, you're as worse as Minho during that little phase of his.” Jimin giggled. The omega then walked all the way over to his drawer and took out a fresh pair of red briefs before walking to the door. “I'll be right back.”

             “J-Jimin! What about your heat?” Jungkook desperately looked for an excuse to follow his omega, but the older only shook his head and chose to go out on his own.

             “I know my way back to you, Kookie~” Jimin said as Jungkook sat there, gawking at the omega walk off and keep the door open if his break is over and he becomes engulfed in his own painful feeling to his heat. Jimin walked down the stairs to see that the doors were sealed with tape along the sides of the doorway, windows were kept shut and there was no way of leaving during the omega's heat. No one can get in, and no one can get out.

            It was fairly 3:40 AM or so in the morning and Jimin didn't recall the disgusting and uncomfortable feeling of someone staring right out his window. In fact, windows were shut with curtains drawn closed before Jungkook could rush upstairs to see his omega and pleasure him. The omega steered his thoughts clear of Kyunsji… He didn't want to trigger his second part of the heat so early into the break. It was important for him to gain his energy back. Even if Jungkook wasn't hungry, the sweet scent of the omega's heat was enough to give him the burst of energy.

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