Chapter 52: Worse than a nightmare

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         It was finally a week later and Jimin laid on the bed with Jungkook sleeping right by his side. Just three days ago, the alpha's rut ended and Jimin was relieved to know it was finally over. He couldn't keep track at the multiple times he moaned and came from the pleasure his husband gave him. The couple of course, stayed three days after since Jimin couldn't see Minho and have the pup jump all over his fragile body. There was a limit to it all and he just couldn't show how weak he was at the moment.

           Jimin turned his head to the side and smiled at how his alpha was lying right by his side and hugging his omega close. Jungkook has been so clingy to his omega, even after his rut and that was something that made Jimin smile. It was always a week after the rut where Jungkook was clingy, loving and adoring. He tended to all his omega's needs and made him smile through it all in a way to give back since Jimin himself couldn't stand up from the pain. Jungkook smiled as he opened his eyes and nuzzled his face in against Jimin's neck so softly. “You woke up so late! It's the evening now and your naps are really long… Did you try walking again?” Jungkook asked as Jimin smiled and nodded his head.

          “I can walk but I limp time to time.” Jimin whispered as he pulled his alpha close against his body and made a smile. “What have you been doing while I was in bed this whole week?~”

          “Watching you sleep, feed you and- Oh! Take these birth control pills. I don't want you to get pregnant.” Jungkook stated as he sat up and reached over to the nightstand and handed Jimin a glass of water too. “I've been waiting for you to wake up, now you can take it. I.. Can't really remember much when I look back at it. All I can recall is you moaning against the bed and screaming my name. Ah, such a lovely sound~” Jungkook added as Jimin sat up and shoved the alpha with a cute giggle. “Anyways, I can't really tell if I came inside of you. But you know, even the slightest spill of cum inside could get you pregnant.” Jungkook said and handed Jimin the pills while the omega looked at them. “But you know… We can have another. I don't mind~” The alpha whispered with a smirk and placed a hand over the pills before looking into Jimin's eyes. “So, is that a yes?”

         Jimin leaned in, holding such a smirk to his face as he cupped the alpha's face and brought him close enough until their noses were in contact. “Jungkookie…” Jimin whispered while the alpha kept pushing his head in to lock lips when suddenly, Jimin dodged it and pushed the alpha back against the bed so suddenly. “Hand over the pills.”

       “Ah! Jiminie~ you must have enough energy don't you?” Jungkook said as he laughed and rose the pills back up to give the omega. “Here, take it~ but I want another!”

       “Another pup? Jungkookie! You can't be serious.. Not now. Only until I say so.” Jimin demanded as Jungkook handed the omega the cup of water so he could take the pill now. Jimin placed the pill into his mouth and drank the water to wash it down as he looked back at Jungkook staring at him while he was doing so. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

       “It should be me who has a say on when I could cum inside of you!” Jungkook argued as Jimin couldn't stop laughing. “So, only when I say so.”

       “I carry the pup for months and I have to be cut open to give birth to that pup! Don't start with me, Jeon Jungkook.” Jimin fired back as Jungkook sat up and suddenly pulled his omega down, turning over and quickly pinning him against the bed while his eyes glew with such dominance he had over the omega. “Jungkook! AH- You're too heavy… Get off!” Jimin shouted as his alpha refused and only kept Jimin caged under. The two touched lips and gave his omega kisses against Jimin's mating mark. “Jungkookie! GET OFF!” Jimin repeated as Jungkook continued showering his soulmate with kisses until the omega giggled and threw his head back; giving up and letting his alpha take over him like this. “I-I surrender!”

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