Chapter 88: My final decision

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           Yoongi snapped out of his own thoughts and looked at the pup slowly approach the alpha, it was odd for the two-year-old pup to approach the alpha since he wasn't that close to Min Yoongi like always. Yoongi gazed at the pup wearing a baggy T-shirt as he then took out a sleep attire outfit with trains decorated in every stitch onto the matching top and bottoms of the light blue pajamas. “Look, Ju-won… I made sure to get you ones with trains. I didn't want you wearing that while you were here… So, I purchased many outfits for you in these two bags.” Yoongi said nonchalantly. Taehyung then looked at the pup and back at Yoongi as a tear threatened to fall from the lovely moment he felt from this.

             In Taehyung's mind, he believed his own husband was opening up to the thought of having pups. It's been awhile since that conversation was brought up and Taehyung only wondered if it was a perfect time to think about it now while they still took care of the young beta in their house. “Do you love it?” Taehyung questioned as the pup nodded his head in awe of the clothes he was given. Even the two-year-old was surprised he was spoiled by Yoongi himself. They weren't close, but it was the thought that counts. “How about we wash you up and then get you into these pajamas? You can sleep with us every night!” Taehyung claimed happily as Yoongi sat there; gawking in silence while he watched how the pup giggled and made a big smile that always carried a hint of tears wanting to fall from his round and glistening, almond shaped eyes. “Let's do it then! Ah, Yoongi did you bring him diapers?”

            “Thought of it.” Yoongi said and took out the pack of diapers from the bag while Taehyung then carried the pup into his arms. “I knew we were running out anyways. Getting the small pack won't help.”

            “Thank you, my love!”

           “Taehyung… I know you changed his diaper yesterday… But, I think it's better to leave him at an adoption center if his parents are nowhere to be found… If his parents are taking forever to respond… Then, maybe Ju-won doesn't have parents…” Yoongi said as the pup was oblivious to the conversation and only giggled while looking down at the many clothes within the bags Yoongi set on the couch.

           “I-It's not safe to assume it… We'll wait for a call. Don't even tell me to tweet about it because there will be imposters who will pretend to be his parents to please me.” Taehyung added on and carried the pup to the bathroom as Yoongi growled under his breath in frustration and rolled his hair back.

            “Taehyung, he's too much work for the both of us! We both have work tomorrow, how will we manage?” Yoongi asked as Taehyung scoffed after and stopped within the bathroom to look back and still hold the young beta in his arms like he refused to put him down for a second.

             “I'll watch over him while I'm on set! That's it… No more arguing, I need to take Juie a shower.” Taehyung replied as Yoongi stood at the end of the hall watching Taehyung set the pup down. Before Yoongi could say anything else, Taehyung then looked back and closed the door shut. At times, the beta just didn't want to hear Yoongi constantly telling him to hand the pup over to adoption services since he knew well that Ju-won would be miserable. Taehyung understood if Ju-won had no parents, he'll have to be sent to adoption services… But, he held on. The older beta held onto the pup and waited for the officers to tell them when Ju-won is needed at an adoption center. Only then, that'll mean he's just an orphan waiting for no one. However, something in the beta sparked and Taehyung just knew that maybe, Ju-won was the pup he always wanted to raise.

           Yoongi glared at the door and balled up his fist just looking back at how Taehyung closed the door. He only tried to pitch in ideas on sending the pup away since Yoongi knew he couldn't raise a pup. He was scared actually, the responsibility still hasn't caught up to him and he treated Ju-won like a stranger. Not really building up a nice relationship because he knew deep down that Ju-won was only temporary and once he goes, a part of Taehyung would go too; but that part of Yoongi's husband would be missing and that's the longing of raising a pup. With Yoongi, Taehyung couldn't experience that feeling since his alpha held back time to time. It's not that Yoongi despised having pups running around; he was only scared that raising one with little love would cause the pup to grow apart and too much love, would create a monster. He just didn't know what was enough when it came to raising pups as young as Ju-won.

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