Chapter 66: A chaser

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             When dawn broke, Jimin felt as if Jungkook was tugging on his leash in a way to make the omega wake up. However, when Jimin blinked his eyes open, he noticed Minho was on top of him giggling and tugging on the leash repeatedly. Minho wore his bright blue pajamas and carried an apple juice box in his hand while the other tugged onto Jimin's leash; in which, Jungkook forgot to remove. Jimin's eyes widened as he made sure he had the blanket over his chest to cover his breast and body from his pup.

           “Daddy is a dog!” Minho giggled and kept tugging onto the leash as Jimin rubbed his own eyes and rolled his hair back. “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” Minho chanted annoyingly as Jimin tried to reach back to the choker and detach the leash.

            “Minho, I'm not a dog.” Jimin giggled and managed to detach the leash. “What is it, Min-Min?”

            “Daddy, Minho heard daddy yell and cry last night when Minho was using cock!” The pup said as Jimin started to laugh at what his son was telling him.

            “Ah! Minho, do not use that word! Just say bathroom.” Jimin told the pup as he then started to address the pup's words before that. “And daddy wasn't crying… um.. Daddy was just in pain.” Jimin said as the pup giggled and handed Jimin the box of apple juice in his hand while he still gripped onto the leash that was no longer attached to the choker Jimin wore.

            “Father said Daddy’s stomach hurt!” Minho giggled as he still handed his father the small box of apple juice. “Take it! Minho wants to share!” The pup continued and still sat over the omega's torso. “But Minho drank so much!”

            “Alright, Min-Min. I'll drink it so my stomach will feel better.” The omega laughed as the pup began to make the omega drink out of the box of apple juice. “Ah, But Minho… Get off!” Jimin chuckled. But, the pup refused to move until Jimin drank it all. The omega laughed and gazed at his son as he finished the remaining juice within the box and left Minho to giggle happily. “Now can you get off? Go play with father while daddy goes take a shower.” Jimin told the pup and cupped his face after.

            “Father isn't home! Minho will be sad if no one plays with Minho…” Pouted the pup with a soft sound to his voice for pity.

            “Min-Min I just need a shower.” The omega replied as Minho shook his head and dropped his small body over his father to hug him tightly. “Min-Min!”

            “Daddy won't go anywhere! Daddy stays so Minho won't be alone.”

             “Ah, I guess this is our day together then.” Jimin added and rose his hands up to hug his pup in return. “Do you think Daddy and Minho will have another day together, tomorrow?”

             “Minho hopes so… Minho doesn't like going off with Father every day. Father went to act in another movie and Minho will be taken too! Minho wants to play! No work…” The young alpha complained. Clinging onto Jimin so his father wouldn't dare to leave him. “Daddy, what does master mean? Daddy was whispering and crying father's name then Daddy called out to ‘master’?”

             “AH! Minho, no more questions!” Jimin laughed while the pup only tilted his head. “Did you brush your teeth today?” Jimin asked the pup.

             “Yes! Minho brushed teeth with father before father went to find a movie!” Minho added and still laid on the omega. “Minho wants pancakes!”

            “Then go get ready so we can buy some ingredients.”

              “No! Minho and Daddy can't go! Father says Minho and Daddy must stay or else the monster will eat us!” Cried the pup and hugged Jimin's body as tight as he could before. “Minho is scared..”

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