Chapter 85: My care for you

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           Taehyung carried the pup in his arms as he walked around the store in search for at least a parent or guardian for the pup. But the longer he searched for someone, the more time he spent on walking with the pup like Ju-won was his own son. “Can you… Describe your daddy or mommy?” Taehyung questioned as the pup kept hugging him tightly.

            “Daddy!” Ju-won chanted happily with his pitched voice and hugged Taehyung tightly with a big smile on his small face. His eyes glistened as if he cried once he found Taehyung and called him his own father.

           “You must think I'm your father because we are both betas..” Taehyung told himself and let out a sigh. Just then, he decided to reach a manager to ask if the woman could make an announcement on a lost pup wandering the aisles of the grocery store. “Hi, excuse me… Can you make an announcement on who's child this is? He keeps following me everywhere.”

             “I think it's better if you take him to the adoption center in the morning because he's been wandering around here for a while. He walked in here on his own and no one has come for him.” Spoke the woman wearing a sky blue shirt for uniform and black slacks after with a name tag that read ‘Ying' for her last name. “I couldn't take him since I have a full shift. I think his parents abandoned him.”

             “No… That's not right! Why would you say that?”

            “Because he's wearing a sticker with his name and he's been here for hours. No one really cares to take him somewhere. I was planning to take him home with me after my shift so he was here longer.” The woman claimed and kept a smile, knowing she was talking to a celebrity.

              “If you want… I can take him off your hands. I'll take him to the adoption center tomorrow after I check in with the police to make sure and I'll care for him tonight. That's if no one shows up of course...” Taehyung said as the woman nodded her head happily.

             “Oh thank you so much! I'm glad you decided to help me out with this little guy. He likes to follow betas and call them his parents.”

             “Could it be that his parents are betas? At times we are careless… But we're not that careless to forget a pup. He seemed so lost when I found him.” Taehyung said and pouted his own lips right when he looked at the small pup in his arms. “Do you know anything?” Taehyung asked as the pup began to giggle and wrap his arms around the actor's neck to to press his body against the older beta.

             “Daddy.” The pup repeated as Taehyung felt so happy from this, he didn't want to set the cute pup down for more than a second. The sound of the pup calling to him sounded so real, he wanted the beta to be right by his side and didn't ever want to let go of the young pup at all. Taehyung was growing to admire the sound of the young beta calling him. ‘Daddy' endlessly. The older beta then rubbed noses with the two-year-old and smiled right at him like he enjoyed every little second.

             “I'll take care of you, Ju-won. I promise.” Promised the beta. Just the thought of someone abandoning the adorable little pup like this made the man want to promise the young boy that he'll care for him forever and raise him as his own. Taehyung always wanted to be a father and through this, he felt like one already. “No matter how long the night will be… I'll be your daddy until then. Ah, do you like the sound of that? I do!” Taehyung wondered happily as the pup giggled and nodded his head with his small and chubby hands over Taehyung's face to cup after “Ju-”

             “Taehyung?” Yoongi called out as the woman already left the two so she could go back to work. This just made Taehyung look weird with a pup that didn't belong to him. “What are you doing?!” Yoongi asked and walked forward to see that the pup was in his arms. “Who's pup is this?”

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