Chapter 29: Plans

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          When the sun rose the same day, Jimin was laying in bed with his husband as they matched red silk sleep attire on their bed. It was a long night of their anniversary and of course, their adventure didn't end there; they still needed to take Minho and get him checked to see what he really was. For pups, it was too difficult to assign what they were since they start off acting like both Omegas or Alphas but then give off a feeling that they could be a beta. Minho however, leaned towards one feeling and mostly acted like both types. This left Jimin to think at the back of his mind that Minho must be a beta after all.

            The loud shriek of the alarm clock sounding to awaken the parents made Jungkook jolt up and let out a huff afterwards; believing it was something else, yet it did a good job waking him up for the day. The digital clock flashed 9:30 AM in the dark room as Jungkook rubbed his eyes and brought his hand down on Jimin's ass to wake him up. “Wake up, baby..” Jungkook said with such a slump against the headboard of the wide bed. “..hey!”

            “Ah… One more minute?” Jimin whispered as he then cuddled in closer to his alpha's chest so evidently. “We only slept for…”

              “..five hours. But still, get up we need to take Minho and get him tested.” Jungkook said as he leaned his head down and gave his omega a kiss. “How much do you want to bet that he's going to be an alpha?”

             “No! He's going to be an omega!” Jimin said and still kept his eyes shut; not wanting to pry his eyes open or even dare to pull his arms away from Jungkook's torso.

             “I have nothing to bet with you, I get what I want either way~ What do you want from me if he really is an omega?”

             “For you to stop bothering me about how Minho steals ‘your' milk.” Giggled the omega as he brought his head up; making a cute smile and finally drew his eyes open with a small giggle.

             “Oh you're so wrong. He’ll be an alpha and I will never stop bothering you about it. It was mine before his anyways.” Jungkook laughed as he then pushed Jimin off and stood up afterwards. “Come on, we better bring some earplugs too since they are going to take a small blood test on Minho and our little boy has a big attitude… Like me.” The alpha laughed and walked up to the mirror to fix his messy hair with such a gloating smile plastered across his face.

              “Baby omegas will cry about the needles too! Not only alphas.” Jimin stated as he made a smile and held the blanket against his clothed chest.

              “-BETAS TOO!!” Shouted Taehyung from the outside. Yoongi and Taehyung stayed the night over at the house since Jimin didn't have it in him to take them out so they could go home. Instead, they allowed the couple to stay in the nursery room.

               “WHO THE FU- Ah, I forgot you let them stay here.” Jungkook said into a whisper and pulled the door open to see Taehyung standing there with the big teddy bear Hoseok brought the day before. The beta had a perverted face while he rose his eyebrows up and down; jolting them into a gesture. “What do you want?”

             “I overheard you two betting on what Minho is. I bet he'll be an alpha, to be honest. He seems more like it. Yet! He could be like me!” Taehyung laughed and held out the big teddy bear. “Oh Hoseok came over yesterday and bought this for Minho.”

            “Woah, I haven't seen that director for a while now. He should have came over today!” Jimin said as he stood up and walked over to the beta to look at the bear. “Was he with Minho the whole night?”

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