Chapter 28: Understandings

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         “What was all that? Why did I feel such an off feeling?” Taehyung asked himself in his head as he hugged Yoongi in closer and started to hear the beat of his alpha's heart soothe him from it all. The beta didn't know what to do now, he made Yoongi upset over the fact that he might lose him and all Taehyung could do was beg for forgiveness and sit there with his arms wrapped around his alpha's body. “Yoongi… It didn't mean anything! P-Please don't hurt me..” The beta continued to whisper. Normally, if the alpha's mate, -a beta or omega- was to disrespect their dominant, the alpha had the choice to hurt them for it or even kill them if they are seen cheating. It was a way to kill off the mating mark they had permanently stained onto their flesh. That's why it was very special to mark someone, it would mean that their love was eternal; or else, the alpha themselves would have to kill off their mate for going to another. However, Yoongi never liked the brutal concept at all.

          “Hurt you? How could I hurt you, Darling?” Asked Yoongi as Taehyung looked up in worry instead of the tears he'd always shed when it came to things like this.

           “Because… Because I was looking at Hoseok like that…”

            “Oh Taehyung, you said it didn't mean anything! So why would I hurt you? I never liked any of that. I don't want to hurt you, Honey.” Yoongi assured the worried beta as he then caressed Taehyung's face so gently. “I'm not the type to hurt you and I don't plan on it either. I trust you and believe you said it was nothing and I take your word for it.” Yoongi continued as Taehyung then smiled through his worry and gazed at his alpha so happily.

             “I love you and only you.” Taehyung continued as he felt his alpha kiss his forehead and then, turn his gaze to focus over at the rose that sat there on the table for Taehyung. Yoongi stopped for a second as he slowly pulled away just to approach the rose. “Hoseok… Also brought me that…”

             “Oh a rose…” Yoongi said into a mutter. He then walked over to the table that carried the rose as he then picked the rose up and into his hands. “...Hoseok really is something..” The alpha continued and only then, Taehyung watched as his Yoongi suddenly began to crush the rose within his hands and tilt his head with a small smirk forming from the corners of his lips. Taehyung understood why his lover was like this and why he had to crush the rose, causing each petal to fall from his hands like sand in an hourglass. Each petal touched the floor while the beta watched the rose become nothing but a ruined stem with no end or rose blossoming from it. “Taehyung, you only belong to me and only me. There is no Hoseok between us. Just the two of us and our love. We both can't live without each other at all.”

           “I know..” The beta answered as he made his way over to his alpha before pulling him into another hug where he sunk his head in his lover's chest to let our an exhale. “I belong to you… No one else. I know that.”

           “Ouwh!” Minho interrupted the lovely scene and cooed. Gazing at the couple pull each other close like the pup wanted attention too. “Mh!”

            “Mh!” Taehyung mimicked the pup as he let out a chuckle and walked up to Minho so he could scoop him up in his arms. “You're so adorable, Jeon Minho.” Chuckled the beta as he then held the pup into a close hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek.


          Around 3:46 AM in the early morning, Taehyung slept in the nursery room on top of Yoongi as they slept on the couch together while Minho was asleep inside his small crib. What Taehyung believed was that the couple wouldn't be back until morning; However, Jungkook and Jimin were still at the love hotel, showering together so they can return to their home before sunrise. They weren't planning on staying at the hotel and only used it by the hours they were there. Knowing well that they needed to head back to their pup eventually.

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