Chapter 46: Haunted

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         Soon, Jimin sat down with his pup in a chair while they watched Jungkook get hooked up to a gear to make it seem as if he was going to jump off a building in flames. Of course, Jungkook chose not to have any stunt doubles so, he did them all himself in order to be such a good actor and make things seem so real. The alpha stood there with fake makeup on his face to resemble bruises and bleeding cuts. His skin had a dirty look to it and his white dress shirt and worn out jeans looked as if he just made it out of a fire. The whole look was sealed by the messy hair he had and the dirty look of running through fire just for the character to get to his place now. Jungkook stood there patiently until… One of the tech crew members set the vest under his costume and tugged the wires for safety measures. “...You're too close!” Jungkook bickered as he dropped his hands onto his chest to cup it so suddenly. “A-AH TOO TIGHT! GET OFF!” Jungkook rose his voice as Jimin face palmed after.

            The omega was never aware of Jungkook's behavior like this and could only recall how bratty the alpha used to be. Of course, that attitude didn't go away even when it came to filming movies with the alpha. “Jungkook! They're just trying to help!” Jimin added on while Minho was looking at the tech crew and then at Jungkook silently. “For once, let them do their job!”

           “No! It's too tight around my chest!” The alpha hissed and grabbed one of the male tech crews' hand and looked into his eyes. “If this causes me several rib injuries, I'll-”

          “JEON JUNGKOOK!” Jimin shouted while the pup started to giggle while he rested his head on Jimin's chest. “Please, Kookie. Leave them alone.” Jimin said with a giggle after while Jungkook smiled and released the man's hands and put his hands together. “Good boy.”

          “Oh shut up~” Jungkook teased as he then walked over to a green platform that was supposed to hold as the structure of the building on fire. Now, there was a pole hanging just a few feet far from the platform Jungkook had to jump from and reach out to get it. The task was to jump off from that platform and reach for the pole; the horizontal, green pole was supposed to resemble the helicopter’s landing rails Jungkook was to grab onto. Once the alpha climbed over the platform, he looked at the pole and pulled his dirty, white, dress shirt over the vest to hide it even further. The alpha had no fear through this and was rather excited to do such a big stunt like this. In his mind, he never thought he'd get used to filming acting films, but up until now, he started to love them. Especially because he wasn't allowed to act in romance or erotic due to Jimin's strict rules he made for his alpha.

               “WOW! LOOK AT FATHER!” Minho said out of excitement as he sat up and let out a cute giggle while he watched his father smile and wave from up the platform. “Hi!!”

               “Alright, ready Mr. Jeon?” Asked the director as Jungkook nodded his head and gave a thumbs up. “Places everyone! We'll be shooting the first scene of the day. Dr. Lynn escapes the laboratory to avoid the fire and of course the explosion.” The man added as the crew made a few last touch ups to the setting and made sure the fake explosion was ready just before Jungkook jumps off the platform. “aanndd ACTION!” Called out the director as the cameraman was up on a crane-like seat and platform that carried him from his seat and held the camera to catch an aerial view of Jungkook running on the green platform from afar. Gathering momentum to be able to do the jump. Of course, the tech crew made sure they were ready to carry Jungkook’s weight on the wires as soon as he was to do the big jump.

           Minho looked with a gleam in his eyes as he smiled and held his fists up and closed just as he watched his own father run and the camera catching the aerial view, switch onto the camera that was running through the tracks to catch a clear view of Jungkook's movements. Only then, Jungkook passed the white line which meant he was going to run quicker and once he reached the edge, he would jump from the edge of the platform. When the moment came, Jungkook made the jump and the the tech crew instantly lifted Jungkook's wires and he was able to reach the handle and grab it without fearing a big fall from how far he was up. The alpha was now hanging from the pole as he looked back and lifted his legs to lock around the rails while he gazed back at the platform. Only then, there was a fake explosion and it made Minho flinch and pout right after. Thinking it was real and he could have lost his own father if Jungkook hung around further and chose to walk instead of running.

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