Chapter 31: A big surprise

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         Jimin stood there to gaze down at his pup who was kicking and letting out whimpers as he laid there on the small bed. The omega knew what would come next and he just didn't want to bear the loud cries his pup would give when he receives a shot for the blood test. “Ah I'm so nervous..”

          “That was the purpose of the earplugs, my dear.” Jungkook replied with a chuckle as he smiled and dropped onto a seat and gave such a smirk. “But my son will take it like a man!”

          “As if! You know how Minho is very sensitive… He's a little pup so what do you expect? A loud and manly shout?” Jimin teased as Jungkook started to laugh. “Oh but I don't want to see him when he gets his shot. He'll start crying and my heart will hurt..” Jimin cooed to his pup just to keep Minho calm. The pup looked around and tried to get use to the clinic as he paid close attention to his surroundings and gave a pout; growing homesick within seconds. “Daddy's here, Min-Min… It'll only hurt a little bit.” Jimin continued. It seemed like Jimin was more scared of the shot than Minho himself.

            “Babe, it's Minho getting the shot. He has to take it for a good reason. I'm pretty sure he won't get killed.” Jungkook continued to mock Jimin's worry as the Omega gazed down at Minho starting to coo and look around.

            “No omega wants their pup in pain..” Jimin said as Jungkook leaned back and smiled as he then went on his phone to scroll past pictures that were taken of him and his family in the waiting room. Soon after, the doctor walked in with a metal tray that held up the syringe, a small tube to take only a small amount of blood; not too many, a square band-aid, cotton to apply the alcohol onto the spot where blood will be taken for the blood test.

           “I'm back! Alright, Minho. It'll only hurt for a second and you need to remain calm.” Dr. Yeon added as she walked over to the pup and set the tray right at the counter so she could wash her hands and place on the glove. She had to be very careful since the pup was a fragile one and very sensitive when it came to germs. It was possible for him to get sick at the littlest things like germs over a glove while he was getting his shot. “Jungkook, please help and hold Minho down. You too, Jimin.” Dr. Yeon advised.

            “Ah, I don't get why I'm so nervous.” Jimin continued to complain and this made Jungkook nudge Jimin as he made it to the opposite side to hold Minho down. “Can you be gentle?”

            “I'll be as gentle as I can.” Dr. Yeon assured. The doctor then removed her wedding ring, placed on her gloves and finally took up the cotton and alcohol to softly place it over Minho's skin. Rubbing it along the small heel of the pup. “Hold him down correctly.”

            Jimin turned his face away and closed his eyes shut as the parents held Minho down, causing the pup to grow uncomfortable already. Jungkook watched as the doctor rubbed the alcohol over at Minho's heel; Causing him to start whining over the discomfort. Eventually, she then grabbed the butterfly syringe -used to have a more narrow needle for the pup’s small veins- and inserted the needle into Minho's small heel. This left the pup to let out a sharp cry from the feeling; it was loud enough to echo in Jimin's head as he kept his hands over Minho's smaller hands, Jungkook held down the left leg and body as the doctor held Minho's right leg down to draw blood. Jimin could feel the pup putting on a fight and filled the room with sharp cries that made Jimin feel bad for holding his pup down like that. After the doctor drew the blood, she took the filled, small and red capsule that carried the amount of blood as Jimin watched how the doctor wiped the blood running off and placed the band-aid over Minho's small heel. “And you're done!”

              “Thank goodness.” Jimin sighed in relief as Jungkook chuckled and watched how Minho kept crying. “Can we put his shirt back on?”

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