Chapter 91: Sought through it

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           “Don't worry, Mr. Jeon Jimin! I'll protect your family from Kyunsji's little worker. I'm pretty sure they'll double his security, so he wouldn't have any contact with that man.” Joo-Ho assured, but Jimin was so sick of hearing the same words over and over again; ‘everything is going to be alright,’ ‘Kyunsji will pay for inflicting so much!’ ‘You'll be safe now.’ And so on. However, even if these words were meant to comfort, Jimin just wished for it all to come true and his freedom wouldn't have to be delayed for even a little while. It was moments like these, Jimin just wished Kyunsji was dead. It's been a long wait and the pregnant omega was sick and tired of hearing Kyunsji's name being shouted by paparazzi; going by a rumor that Jimin was with the crazy alpha ever since he went off to face him in prison.

          “Either way, I just hope his second trial comes sooner. I've already missed the first and he threatened me to drop all charges on the first. But, there's no way I'd ever do it. So, I'm cautious. He said he'll send ‘him' after my little Minho and my husband. Ugh! Why can't he just get murdered by a cellmate?! That man is ruining my reputation. Everyone must think I'm some cheater because I went to face him one day. Rumors are spreading so much, they might think these pups I carry is his!” Jimin continued and sat up. “I'm sorry… I have mood swings time to time, bear with me…”

         “That's fine. My ex wife on her mood swings was even worse!” Joo-Ho joked as Jimin laughed after. “Since you're pregnant and I don't recall you eating something prior to heading out to the clinic, how about I order something for you and Minho?”

        “I'll cook something. Don't worry about it, I have a big appetite.” Spoke the omega and chuckled nervously after. Feeling a little embarrassed to deny the offer.

        “It's okay! You're my boss and Jungkook would have done the same thing! You do have pups on the way so, I just want to help you out. Even if it's not clear I'll keep this job, I'll still order you something. It's a way of thanks.”

         “Or a way to kiss-up and keep the job?” Jimin said and laughed as the alpha then placed his own index finger over his own lip to play along with the joke. Jimin then began to feel like this alpha was trustworthy, a good friend and displayed such a loyal persona towards the small family alone. For once in a long time, Jimin felt like there was finally someone outside of his friends he could trust with the safety of the family. That's what mattered to Jimin the most.


          At the meantime, Taehyung was sitting in his dressing room and bouncing the pup on his lap. The two matched on big and black sweaters, but the pup wore a denim overall and Taehyung had on his loose grey sweatpants. The two sat in front of the dressing table and Ju-won was busy slamming his small fingers over Taehyung's phone. Scrolling through the gallery and gazing at the many pictures of Yoongi and Taehyung alone. “Ju-won, be careful, don't delete any of Daddy's pictures.” Taehyung spoke and the pup kept scrolling until he stopped at a picture of Taehyung holding Minho when he was just a little one-month-old pup.

        Ju-won stared at the picture and cupped his own face. For a two-year-old beta, he seemed to be familiar with jealousy. Of course, Taehyung knew Ju-won was familiar to it because he's been neglected and given up for other pups, so he understood if he saw something like this. “Daddy…” The pup whispered his pitched and sad whimper before tears ran down his chubby and pale face.

       “Woah, hey! That's just Jeon Minho! Your older cousin. You're my only pup. Alright? My only Ju-won.~” Taehyung promised as he then looked at the time and back at the pup before he could give the younger a kiss on the cheek to cheer him up. “Let's wait for Yoongi to come pick you up. I'll be too busy to focus on my little pup.” Taehyung cooed and caressed the pup's small face to dry his small tear. “Don't cry, sweetie… I'm never going to leave you.” The beta continued. Just the many things that occured to the pup seemed to leave him traumatized through it all. Ju-won was always traumatized, so being abandoned became the pup's fear at a young age. “The world is so cruel… I don't care if you're a beta… I'm a beta too! I won't abandon you. You remind me so much of myself. I love you so much, Ju-won.” Taehyung continued as the pup began to giggle after shedding a few tears.

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