Chapter 12: To protect you

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          At the moment, Jungkook heard Jimin sobbing just outside while he gave Minho his sponge bath. Even Yoongi was able to hear it too since Alphas had good hearing as well. This left Jungkook to come to a stop while he then passed the small sponge over to the older alpha. “Yoongi, you clean him. I'll be right back.” The younger worried as he then backed up to the doorway and watched how Yoongi sputtered and panicked.

          “B-But you can't leave me with-” Jungkook then travelled downstairs and left Yoongi to cut off his own words while he just turned his focus back onto Minho. “Guess it's just you and me, Jeon Minho.” Yoongi added while the pup cooed and gawked right at him. “Yeah, Yeah, I know… Avoid the little stump.” Yoongi chuckled to himself and continued to softly rub the sponge along Minho’s soft skin.

          Eventually, Jimin heard Jungkook approaching the door as the Omega just didn't want to hide the fact that he read the letter. He was ready for anything Jungkook was to throw at him for disobeying the alpha. Jimin sat there and cupped his face through the stressful tears as Jungkook stepped out of the house to see Jimin in a river of tears. “Jimin? Babe, what's wrong?” Jungkook worried as he sat down next to his husband; slowly drying the tears his omega shed.

         “I-I…” Jimin couldn't even reply as Jungkook then turned his head to see a bunch of rose petals scattered all over a necklace, leaving Jungkook to gaze down at the letter. “I-I read it…”

        “Jimin… What did I tell you? How could you disobey me like this?” Jungkook asked as he picked the letter up and rolled his eyes down the letter to read what was in it.

          “I-I didn't know!” Cried the omega as he didn't even feel guilty at all. The real reason was where his tears lied within that letter.

          “Jimin… You need to be able to tell me these things!” Jungkook continued as he finished reading the disturbing letter and kept it as evidence.

            “You told me I couldn't read the letters… N-Now I regret it! J-Jungkook we need to do something! It's not safe here… He knows our address.” Jimin worried. “I can't take this stress.. We need to move!”

           “M-Move away? Jimin, not right now, we just can't pack our bags and leave this place. Minho is only two weeks old and moving the nursery will take a while. He's already so use to the way it looks.” Jungkook told the Omega as he got on his knees and gazed up at his husband. “We'll think of something, okay, babe?”

           “No.. No… No he'll hurt you again and take me and Minho! We need to move now! I don't want to go through that again, Jungkook please..” Jimin begged while Jungkook pulled Jimin into a hug and softly caressed the Omega’s blond hair gently. “Please, Jungkookie…” The older sobbed into Jungkook’s arms as he was sitting over his lap and hugged his husband so close. “We've come so far and to lose our family we've built up together is something I can't bear…” Jimin continued in fear of losing his own husband. “We need to move now..”

         “If my Jimin wants, I will do it.. But please be more patient-”

         “Now let's start now! I want to pass through our anniversary without stressing about that ‘thing’ please listen to me now before we regret it…” Whispered the Omega to his alpha’s ear. This only added to the stress the couple had now. Jungkook had to think of where to move and buy a new place. Money wasn't the problem, it was the stress of moving things and having items shipped to the new place.

         “W-Why don't we move back to Busan? Back where we first met… My house there.” Jungkook asked as Jimin pressed his head against the younger’s chest. “He only knows this house.”

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