Chapter 58: Just let go

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          Eventually, Seokjin pulled up by Jungkook and Jimin's house to drop the younger omega off after spending a whole two hours of grocery shopping and of course, shopping for undergarments. Jimin was embarrassed the whole time and just couldn't stand in the store for too long before turning red and longing to run out of the store and go home; but of course, Seokjin was there to hold the omega back and have him pick at least one lingerie and one see-through, short and red silk nightgown to use for Jungkook. To Jimin, he could already hear the echoes of his husband's laughter as soon as Jimin was to take these out of the black shopping bag. The undergarments alone were silk, laced and 100% see-through! This made Jimin feel slightly uncomfortable and all he could do was hide the bag behind him as he walked with the groceries in his hands.  Just hoping Jungkook wouldn't snatch the bag from his hand and run off with it to see what was inside the elegant bag.

              “Relax, Jimin. He'll love it. Yeah, he'll make fun of you at first but he'll enjoy it~” Seokjin whispered and let out a giggle after and kept his hands on the wheel. “Go on.”

               “Since when did you become the sex god?” Jimin asked and let out a giggle while stepping out of the car and holding the groceries and his bag from ELBIN. “Ah, I don't know about this.. I don't want Minho to see..”

              “Just hide it! You're making such a big deal over something so little. That's for Jungkook and you. Trust me, it works with Namjoon.” The omega continued and let out a loud laugh before hitting his hand against the center of the steering wheel as the car let out a beep.

               “I didn't need to know about that!” Jimin replied and started to laugh as Seokjin then stopped laughing soon after and waved at Jimin as soon as Jimin chose to carry the bags and leave right after to avoid speaking more about the undergarments, however, Seokjin then honked at Jimin and poked his head out of the window of the car and made a big smile.

               “Whenever you want to go out for those again, give me a call! I get discounts.” Seokjin added with a wink before sending a kiss and driving off as Jimin was left to giggle at how his friend chose to leave like that. Jimin smiled right after and looked back at the bags and taking a moment to think about walking inside with this bag standing out of the grocery bags. To Jimin, he was nervous since he never really had a lingerie before. Even if there wasn't anything to be ashamed of, Jungkook seemed to be the type to pick on Jimin for every little change the omega had. Especially when he had Minho and his breasts began to grow a cup; Jungkook just didn't stop teasing and begging to ‘play' with them.

             Jimin let out an exhale and walked to the door and only then, he heard little scurried footsteps approaching the door until, he looked to the window and saw his pup pressing his small nose and hands against the glass. Waiting for Jimin to open the door so he could give him the biggest hug ever. “Minho, did you miss me?” Jimin asked as he pressed the button of the voice box so his voice could be heard inside as Minho nodded his head quickly and made a big smile once Jimin began to unlock the door with his own keys. Once Jimin got in, Minho let out a loud scream of excitement as he then crawled off the couch to run to his father.

             “Daddy! Minho missed you…” The pup added and let out a breath once he was finally reunited with his father. However, this was for only a while until Jungkook was to pull the young alpha away. “Minho missed Daddy so much! Minho was scared…”

               “Why was Minho scared?” Jimin asked and got down on his knees before setting the bags onto the floor to place his hands over Minho's waist and pull him close. “Tell me.”

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