Chapter 26: Soft noise~

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            In and out Jungkook pulled his fingers from Jimin, hearing the omega whimper and try to keep up while he still touched himself. He massaged his length up and down while his breathing was becoming unsteady now. “Oh Jungkookie… A-Ah… F-Fist me..” The omega continued to order as Jungkook let out a slight chuckle before leaning in and kissing Jimin's neck before sucking a Hickey over the mate mark. Eventually he inserted his third finger and made the omega mewl and arch his body forward once more.

           “I think I'd rather fuck you than tease you like this~” The alpha whispered as he made a smirk while rolling Jimin's hair back. Hearing the moans and sharp breaths Jimin gave off. “Promise me you'll take protection after..?” Told the younger as Jimin nodded so desperately; causing him to suddenly raise his legs over Jungkook's hips once more to lock him in closer.

           “Y-Yes.. Yes.. Please..” The omega huffed as he let go of touching himself and rose his hands up Jungkook's back and let out a huff after. The two reunited lips as Jimin's hands slid down the sides of Jungkook's torso to let out a soft hum after.

             The alpha then dropped his head down once more to kiss Jimin's neck before running his tongue along the Omega's skin and softly sucking another hickey along the base of his neck. “I've missed this..” Jungkook continued until he then held himself up and suddenly pushed himself inside. This left Jimin to swiftly slam his hands onto the alpha's back as he let out a sharp gasp from how fast Jungkook pushed himself in. Within seconds, Jungkook started to groan his husband's name with each thrust. Leaving Jimin to huff out of control to contemplate the sweet pain inside. “A-AH!” Growled the alpha in a low gruff against Jimin's ear with each thrust. Each time he thrusted in, he felt a shiver down his spine from the pleasure and his eyes fluttered from it all. “Oh Jimin!” Jungkook moaned as his omega had his head pointing upwards and letting out sharp cries.

            “N-Ngh! A-AH JUNGKOOK! F-FUCK…” Cried the older omega as Jungkook caressed his lover's face so gently before leaning his head in lower to resume sucking along Jimin's hard nipples. Jungkook's tongue licked around Jimin's areola, making the feeling of the sharp pleasure increase for Jimin. The omega now couldn't keep silent as his head was thrown to gaze up and let out a sharp cry. He pried his beautiful eyes open and locked his gaze at the mirror to show his Jungkook just sucking along his nipple while the younger never ceased to stop thrusting in roughly. Each thrust was accompanied by loud squelching sounds from how wet Jimin's entrance became and Jimin watched how deep Jungkook went in by looking through the mirror and making a whimper throughout the harsh thrusts.

              “A-Ah~” The younger alpha groaned as he then felt Jimin suddenly raise his hands up to grip onto his husband's hair, causing the omega to tug slightly and make Jungkook let out a heavy gruff. “J-Jimin..” The alpha groaned for his omega and only then, he slammed Jimin's hands down onto the bed and heard Jimin start to shout while his face tinted red. “A-AH! Y-You get so tight around me…” The younger continued while Jimin started to bite his bottom lip to control his moans, yet they just kept spilling out.

             “OH JUNGKOOKIE!” Jimin shouted again and again, causing a smirk to appear over the alpha's face. Without warning, Jungkook suddenly pulled out of Jimin and gazed at how the omega gripped onto the bed covers and kept his mouth shut while his body arched against Jungkook's. “Mm-mhm~” He hummed; opening his eyes once more to see Jungkook trail kisses down his omega's pale body, past his collarbones, past the crease of his chest where his breasts laid and reaching below his pelvis. “Mm-N-Not there..” Whispered the omega; knowing that he was really sensitive by there.

            “...Here?~” The younger whispered as the tip of his index finger rolled along Jimin's slit and caused him to shutter at such a daring feeling that allured him. “I know you're sensitive here~”

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