Chapter 22: Something he feels

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            By the very next day, Taehyung woke up around 6:43 AM while the night sky still lingered with rain crying from the grey cloudy skies outside. The beta woke up next to Yoongi without clothes and had the blanket over his and his alpha's exposed body. On the bed, Yoongi slept facing the other side while Taehyung hugged his alpha's arm in his sleep since Yoongi loved to sleep like a statue and not move at all; not even trying to hug his beta close in his sleep even after making love. The beta still kept his arms wrapped around Yoongi's right arm as his alpha slept face up with the blanket covering his whole chest. Only revealing his neck and face from the covers.

            The younger sat up after being awaken by his phone chiming with notifications while he sat there to rub his big and round eyes in silence before hearing another chime and followed after, his phone began to ring. Taehyung gawked at the phone over the nightstand while he pulled his body up to lean against the headboard. “W-Who's calling me this early?” Taehyung asked as his eyes squinted to gaze at the bright phone that gave off a bright light through the dark. As soon as the beta glanced over the phone, he could see the caller ID that read, ‘Hoseok ☀️’ this came as a surprise to the beta and never really understood why his director would call him. This left Taehyung to wait until the call passed as he looked over the text messages that was sent from yet again, his director.

         “This sounds serious… I should call him back

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         “This sounds serious… I should call him back. He would have done the same for me.” Taehyung claimed, unaware of how odd this would really seem to his alpha. Taehyung rubbed his hand over his bite mark and picked his phone up so he could call the director back. Taehyung sat there against the headboard, covering his naked body along with Yoongi's while he held the phone up to his ear. Currently, Hoseok was sitting in his own room with his hand holding a glass of champagne. He sat in a dimmed room that had light blue bed covers, wooden floors, a nice view outside his penthouse with a beautiful view of Seoul and white walls with framed pictures of himself. Hoseok had his long sleeved, black dress shirt and that was unbuttoned down the middle while the belts of his pants were left unbuckled and the waistband of his white underwear was visible.

          Hoseok heard his own phone chime while he then rolled his hair back so silently and held his phone up to answer. The caller ID he had for Taehyung was, 'Tae💜' to the director, it didn't seem something he would put for any of his actors or actresses. Yet, here he was; putting on a smile as soon as the name popped up on his phone. Hoseok cleared his throat and held his phone up to his ear to answer. “Hello?” Hoseok greeted with a smile while he could hear the beta yawn. “Sleepy?”

          “I just woke up to call you, what do you need?” The beta asked so kindly. Hoseok hasn't ever met someone so calm like this beta. The alpha knew he was marked and was off the market, but he never knew how much he'd appreciate such a kind and perfect man like Taehyung.

           “You don't care what time it is? You were asleep. Out of everyone, you're the only one who'd call back…” Hoseok laughed while he took a drink out of his cold champagne in his glass. “I'm glad you called back. I was just feeling lonely and bored. We don't really bond as a director and actor… Do you think we should? I'd love to have you in more of my films. Of course, your alpha will always be there, right?”

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