Chapter 76: Choosing wisely

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          “P-Play his game… So we're going to do what he says?! I'm not dropping charges!” Jimin argued as Manager Xin nodded his head to agree.

           “He's right, Mr. Jeon. You can't drop charges. We need the help of officials to take him down. We can't do this on our own.” The manager claimed while Jungkook dropped his hands onto Jimin's shoulders.

            “What I meant by that was, we play the same game. We bait him like he does to us. We don't respond to dropping charges and make him slowly pull out his special card. That's the unknown man he hired to go after us.” Jungkook added while Jimin gave a worried look and shook his head after.

           “N-No… He'll hurt you both!” Jimin added as Jungkook sighed and glanced up at the galaxy above them.

           “Just leave it to Manager Xin and I, Babe. You'll be safe with Minho. Until then, I guess we need to learn how to protect ourselves. I'm pretty fit and Minho knows a good defense, however, babe you need to be able to fight back. You're a little mochi right now~” Jungkook chuckled as Jimin blushed and shoved his husband. “You need to be able to fight in case that certain someone breaks in to hurt Minho or even you! I'll be at work the whole week and I need to know that you could fight for yourself. It's very important.”

           “Mr. Jeon, that'll be difficult! What if that man is an alpha too? It's obvious Kyunsji isn't stupid to hire an omega or beta to do his work. He'd hire a strong alpha to fight one of us off if we stand in his way! Besides, it's in an omega's nature to bear pups and find a mate, not be as fit as an alpha. It's tough for them to do so. Omegas grow weak to alphas so they can't really fight back.” The elder added as Jungkook began to think to himself.

            “Well, he could just be like Minho, bite for defense.”

            “I'm not biting any disgusting alpha.” Jimin bickered as the elder then began to laugh.

            “You bite Jungkook…” Manager Xin added as the two started to laugh while Jungkook scoffed. “Ah, I'm kidding! But anyways, is it possible you could carry a taser?” The elder thought as Jungkook began to think on that.

            “No, Minho might touch it and get hurt! He's a very curious boy. I don't want to wake up and see him on the floor having the taser up against his neck!” Jimin worried and looked back at the pup. “Don't even think about bringing a gun here.. I can't stand guns and weapons like that around my little boy.” The omega continued in worry as Jungkook smiled and looked at Jimin to assure him he'll be fine.

             “Minho is smart enough not to touch what isn't his. I think you'll be fine. We'll keep your gun and taser in a safe place.” Jungkook stated to make the omega feel calm.

            “Minho is really smart… That boy could outsmart any three year old out there! Have you both ever thought of teaching him how to play the piano? He has what it takes.” Manager Xin changed the subject as Jimin pondered on the thought of having a weapon in the house. Was it really a good idea? Jimin worried about the endless possibilities that could happen if little Minho was to find these weapons and think of it as a toy! If Minho thought the dildo was an innocent little rocket, what makes a gun or a taser any different?

           “I play to him and he sits in front of the piano thinking it's some toy to slam his small hands on. Maybe I could get him a teacher to play to him. That'll be good for him!” Jungkook added and made a smile at Jimin. “What about that, babe? I could also get you a trainer if you like!” Jungkook added while Jimin was silent and still thinking through this. He was afraid of teasing the alpha in prison so he could send his worse, but what other choice did the family have? Jimin knew well not to drop charges since they needed to have Kyunsji sent back to Japan due to his many flaws here. He will be deported and punished there; this was the only way to get rid of the alpha. As for the man Kyunsji hired unknowingly to stalk the family for him, Jungkook was just waiting to have him step over his line so Jungkook could be the one to set him to his place. He was unaware of who he would be dealing with, so Jungkook knew he had to be alert.

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