Chapter 19: A short distance

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        Jungkook sat there in front of his pup while he read out different scripts to Minho happily. He was excited to start acting and doing this made Minho happy too. The pup began to giggle once Jungkook made emphasis on his words and exclaimed most of his script through a tense scene. This resulted in Minho smiling and letting out a sweet giggle. To Jungkook, he felt like bonding with Minho now before leaving the whole week for work. It wasn't like he'd go off to another place, he was still going to come home everyday, However, he knew he'd arrive late at night while Minho rests. Taking away such precious time he has with his first born son.

          “AND TO EVEN THINK THAT-” Jungkook rose his voice while pretending Minho was the other character. However, Minho didn't do a good job on that as he smiled each time the alpha glared at him. Being able to depict these actions apart and tell which one was real. As a pup, Minho could feel the atmosphere and feel either hurt or happy when it comes to the mood changes around him. He gazed at his father’s reaction and it didn't seem to match his real mood. “Ah, Minho stop! You are just like Jimin when I was mentoring him! You're making me laugh; I can't even keep a straight face.” Jungkook laughed while Minho resumed smiling and letting out one more giggle that warmed Jungkook’s heart. “Oh you adorable little lion!” Jungkook added as he scooped the pup up into his arms and hugged him close. “Are you hungry? You must be hungry! Sitting through all of that script.” Jungkook stated and carried Minho off the bed. “Maybe in a month or so, I'll bring you to the set with Jimin! However, you'll have to be a good pup over there. I don't want you to start giggling once we call action. We don't want another Jimin in front of a camera!” Jungkook joked and continued to talk to his pup while he stepped into the nursery room.

           “Of course, after we find out what type you are. Could you blame me for wanting an alpha?” Jungkook laughed as he pinched Minho’s chubby cheeks. “I don't know what you are now and if you are something other than an alpha like a beta or omega, dont worry! I'll still love you. Ah, you're the only one who knows what you are! If only you could tell me instead of wasting time at the clinic to find out. I thought pups were supposed to be check once they are born but your sensitive father didn't want them to attack you with so much syringes for tests just to check. But we'll know soon.” Jungkook continued and walked over to Minho’s bottle capsules that carried the stored the milk the hospital recommended for the pup to take. Only then, he'll be able to drink from a different type of milk where it contained baby formula to make instant milk that was healthy for the growing pup.

             “You'll be a big little pup soon! I can't wait until you start talking! Ah- say dad now!” Jungkook continued as Minho kept gazing up at his father’s smile that also triggered his own. He didn't understand what Jungkook said and only went by Jungkook’s mood to smile and show he understood. “You're a smart lion. You'll be able to solve math questions by four!!” The alpha continued while Jimin suddenly walked in and rolled his hair back with his eyes still shut. “Hello there, sleeping beauty. How was your rest?” Jungkook cooed and turned to Jimin who’s hair was messy and his eyes were shut like he was still sleeping.

           “Jungkook…” Whispered the tired omega while Jungkook started to feed Minho. “You… You gave me a heart attack! I thought something bad happened to Minho. But then I heard him giggle and I felt relieved.” Whispered the omega while he started to yawn. “You could have told me you were going to take care of Minho.. I could have helped so you could go back and finish rehearsing your lines.”

          “There's no need, babe. I rehearsed my lines with Min-Min! He's such a happy little guy. He loves spending time with me. Besides, I needed to give him attention since you fell asleep while taking care of him. You should have woken me up so I could care for him. Baby, is there something going on? You seem so far from me and you don't tell me what goes through your little mind.” Jungkook added while he turned around to face Jimin as he still held Minho to feed him. “Is there something you aren't telling me?”

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