Chapter 37: The secrets you keep

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              Jimin smiled as he kept his eyes closed under Jungkook's hands. He appreciated his alpha and was glad that even his Jungkook didn't want to stress over something as stupid as this. Jimin learned to finally set this aside and close his eyes to sleep. Finally being able to sleep with his alpha while Minho was fast asleep in the other room. “I can't hold you close like this if you live in fear everyday..” Jungkook whispered and gave Jimin's cheek a kiss. “Sleep~ that's all you could do for me now.” Jungkook cooed and still kept his hands wrapped around his husband's body so gently while he made a cute chuckle and closed his eyes. The boy leaned back and closed his eyes to finally sleep with Jimin over him like a doll. Sleeping together at last and with no disruptions from the clingy pup in the other room that would normally come between them.

             However, all wasn't calm back at the asylum… Within tightly shut doors of a closed off room, an alpha laid on the bed growling and letting out sharp huffs against the air while his eyes met with the ceiling. This alpha was no other than Kyunsji. He looked more similar to Jungkook time to time, but the only difference was that his hair was a mess, a mustache and a beard had yet to grow too. With these many similarities, it was easy for new workers to believe Kyunsji was Jungkook at first glance.

          “Ngh… J-Jimin..” Growled the alpha in his rut. He was kept in a tight room with ventilation and food packed up against the corner while he laid on the bed for most of the time. Hoping to just have Jimin in there. Kyunsji has been the same after all these years. There was no change to the crazy alpha and he had the same attitude, the same motives and desire he had just before when he met Jimin. In a world like this, alphas were completely competitive and they were desperate to have what they desired… No matter how many alphas they had to go through to get who they wanted. “I-I want my Jimin..” The alpha growled once again as he turned his head to the side and kept an angry glare. He could only imagine having Jimin lay down with him, but other than that, he couldn't have him in reality. Deep down, there was something that Jimin did that caused Kyunsji to suddenly fall for the omega.

       It was back then on the set of ‘Rujiko’, Jimin displayed such a kind attitude towards Kyunsji. The omega was being nice, but the alpha took it as Jimin falling for him at first. It was only until then, Kyunsji watched how Jungkook turned Jimin against him within seconds. Kyunsji did love Jungkook before; that was the reason why he played his life off as a beta at first. Wanting Jungkook to love him, but along the way, Jimin ended up stealing the creepy alpha's heart. At first, Kyunsji had plans to hurt Jimin on the first day of the set, he brought roses and flowers to lure him in and make him vulnerable, but after that day; his heart beat with a different rhythm, his eyes grew bigger with just a look at Jimin from his film or even a small poster and he smiled with even the slightest mention of Jimin and Minho's name being said from afar.

              “Oh Jiminie~” Gruffed the alpha as he kept his eyes shut and his hands were digging onto the bed covers he laid on. “W-When can I see you..? You're the only one I love… I can s-show you what real love looks like! Not what Jungkook shows you.. He must be hurting Jimin each time they get my letters…” Kyunsji worried as he turned over and let out a huff and tilted his head aside to gaze at his reflection on the sealed window. He gazed at his mustache and beard that had yet to grow. Beginning to realize that this alone kept him from looking like the alpha. However, looking like the alpha came with so much advantages, he only looked at himself and smiled with pleasure while he showed his fangs into the smile.

          “I know… I know a way to get Jungkook away from my Jimin..” The menace whispered to himself. Kyunsji may have been locked up in an asylum, yet that didn't mean he wasn't intelligent. Kyunsji knew ways to get to his goal and laid there to calm himself down before thinking of a good way to ruin the couple. Kyunsji looked back at his reflection once more and brought his hand over his facial hair and nodded his head slightly. “First… Let's get rid of this… Then comes the good part~” Kyunsji continued to whisper to himself as he kept gazing at his reflection. Every time he'd gaze at it, he'd see Jungkook there and that was the best thing. It was like his looks carried a secret weapon to destroying Jungkook's image to the point where Jimin wouldn't even want his own alpha and the pup would try to avoid Jungkook. This whole idea came to the malicious alpha as he laid there and panted from his rut. Sabotage was all he could think of now.

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