Chapter 78: A sweet scent~

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          The couple slept together in the small bed within Jimin's nest while waiting all day for the heat. But, it didn't come to him. Jimin thought why he didn't have it and only began to think he had to trigger it on his own to make it come quicker. The omega was fast asleep when he was suddenly awoken. It was around 2:58 AM and Jungkook was still asleep facing the other side of the room while Jimin laid right by his side. The omega sat up in the blue light room and gazed up at the blue lights supplying the light within the dark room inside.

          Jimin got up and rolled his hair back while he opened the door and walked out of the closet. Leaving the door open as he turned to the bathroom within the bedroom. “S-Still no heat…” Jimin whispered and walked inside the bathroom. Only then, he switched on the lights and glanced at his reflection in the mirror before deciding to wash his face. “I hope Minho is safe… I don't want that monster dragging the Kim family into this…” Jimin whispered. Jimin's mind then flooded with the thought of the crazy alpha in prison and his hidden helper just behind every scene. Stalking, planning and making Jimin lose his mind. Echoes of Kyunsji's voice shouting his threat made Jimin slam his hands onto the sides of the white marble sink and suddenly began to close his eyes shut. He hated the thought of that monster surfacing in his mind and within seconds, he recalled how disturbing it was to gaze through the glass and meet eyes with such a troubled boy. Yet, pitying him would be the last thing Jimin would ever do.

          The omega tried to remain calm, however… It was too late to stay calm now. Unexpectedly, Jimin gripped onto the sides of the sink and started to pant as he closed his eyes. Feeling the sting from his heat starting and after, his scent began to shift into a sweet and tempting scent that called to alphas. However, Jungkook did such a good job in blocking the scent from travelling outside of the room, Jungkook was the only one to sense it. “A-Already?” Jimin huffed and made it to the bathroom wall where he pressed his body against it and slid down with his hand softly caressing the center of his underwear to calm his pain down and wait for Jungkook to pick up the change of scent. “J-Jungkook…” Jimin breathed and got a little louder for the second try. “J-Jungkookie!” The omega cried and only then, Jungkook picked up the scent in his sleep.

            The alpha could hear Jimin's helpless whimpers from the bathroom and quickly got up to help Jimin. “Baby..?” Jungkook called out and walked to the doorway of the bathroom to see the omega against the wall, huffing and releasing a stronger and sweet scent from his heat. Jimin had his hand placed over the bulge of his underwear and bit his lip while gazing up at his alpha. Jungkook grew silent right after and approached his omega to move him close and pull his omega's body against his. By there, the younger took in a deep inhale to catch the alluring and sweet scent Jimin had before kissing Jimin's mark gently. “Ah.. Oh baby…your scent..” Jungkook whispered and guided his hand under the T-shirt to began touching and kneading along Jimin's breast. The omega's nipples were hard already and he couldn't contain it much longer. His body grew warmer than before and all he could do was breathe sharply at the touch his alpha have him.

          Jungkook locked his dominant glare at Jimin as he then moved his other hand up to his own mouth to suck his index and middle finger to prep the omega before he was to do anything. Jungkook felt himself slipping with the constant feel of Jimin's warm and heated body and the sweet scent that emerged from it. Jungkook tried to take it easy, but each time he inhaled, it made the task much more harder than it was before. Jungkook was quick to drop his hand down Jimin's underwear and slip it under to gently tease his omega's entrance and die down the pain Jimin was receiving. Just when the alpha trailed and teased his fingers along Jimin's lubricated entrance, Jimin suddenly slammed his hand against Jungkook's wrist to hold it there.

          “O-Oh Jungkookie… Please.. I want it master..” Jimin whimpered and made Jungkook insert his fingers in. Causing Jimin to close his thighs around Jungkook's hand while he was fingering his omega. “Mmh-” Jimin pointed his head towards the ceiling and opened his mouth to let out sharp breaths that seemed to hitch when Jungkook would repeatedly shove his fingers in and out of the older.

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