Chapter 74: Face me

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            “W-What the fuck are you doing to me…?” Hoseok asked into a whisper and kept cupping his mouth while the beta finally stood up and began to panic. “W-WHY?” Hoseok questioned into a shout and looked back to see the beta as Taehyung began to tear up.

           “I-I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking! W-Where's Yoongi?” Taehyung said in worry while he glanced out the window to see that Yoongi's car was already gone. “Y-Yoongi…” Taehyung cried to himself silently while Hoseok was still looking back at the feeling he always wanted, but not like this.

          “I-I tried so hard to get over you… Then you drag me back and make me want you! C-Can't you see? The pain you caused me?” Hoseok asked while Taehyung kept looking out the window to no one. “Look at me!” Hoseok demanded as Taehyung finally looked back to see the alpha in tears. “Y-You know I can't have you… You know how hard it was for me to move on and only now, you make me want you… Why do you hurt me so much? All I ever wanted was for us to live different lives but you led me back to it..”

           “I'm sorry… I said I was sorry! I didn't know w-what I was doing! Please.. Please help me…” Taehyung begged as Hoseok turned his head away and looked at the ground. Allowing the last tear to fall as Taehyung began to feel horrible through it all. He had no idea and their minds alone weren't in the right state during the heat of the moment. “Please… I kn-know it must have been hard but I-I couldn't stop myself…” The beta begged and begged until Hoseok took a moment in silence. Taehyung couldn't even bear how much pain he caused and only stood there with shame once meeting his glimpse down at his wedding ring he shared with Yoongi. “I-I need to go to him… Take me there. I need to see him. That's all I'm asking.” The beta continued as Hoseok looked at the ground and finally focused on Taehyung.

          “I.. May have been against the two of you for so long… I may have thought of a world with you and me alone. I even moved on and only now, it hurts to let you go once more.” Hoseok added and Taehyung only kept looking at his own wedding ring in guilt. Unexpectedly, Taehyung heard the sound of Hoseok's car keys chime and he only looked up once more to see Hoseok holding his own car keys. “But, I just have to learn to be lonely. Just because I'm suffering doesn't mean you should too. I'll take you to him.”

            Taehyung gawked at the alpha holding up the keys and let out a relieved sigh as he smiled after. Knowing well that Hoseok was going to help him now. The two left together and Taehyung couldn't help but to breakdown along the way. He knew if he was to go back, Yoongi might hurt the one he loved. But that was a risk Taehyung was willing to take. He was such a fool to take Yoongi for granted and getting drunk at the wrong time made it worse. Hoseok kept the car ride silent and knew this wasn't going to end well. From the sounds of Taehyung's silent whimpers, it showed how scared he was to face the one he called his alpha. Hoseok wanted to promise Taehyung will be okay, but out of everything, any alpha would take back a promise so suddenly. Especially when Yoongi drove off in anger to keep himself from hurting Taehyung.

         Eventually, Hoseok pulled up by the house as he took one glimpse back at the beta on the passenger seat. “Go… I hope the two of you get it sorted out.” Hoseok added and looked at the steering wheel.


         “Just go. Don't worry about me, alright? I'll be fine.” Hoseok added and made a smile as he kept his stare at the steering wheel. “We're taking a day off tomorrow from set. Hangovers and acting isn't such a great mix, now is it?” Hoseok assured and made a smile while the beta let out an exhale. “Goodbye, Mr. Kim.”

         “Goodbye..” Taehyung concluded and got out of the car to then hurry to the front door. He just hoped Yoongi wouldn't go too rough for his punishment. Just beyond this door may lead Taehyung to meet his demise out of Yoongi's anger, or his punishment. Either way, the beta knew he deserved worse than a slap on the wrist. The young beta wandered in the dark house and noticed Yoongi was sitting on a white, one-seat, couch in front of the window. His husband had his eyes locked down onto the ground while the light reflected against his gleaming tears. His silent tears went noticed by the beta and all Taehyung could do at that very moment is drop onto his own knees to look up at his alpha.

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