Chapter 4: Wonders

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           Jimin stepped in and smiled to himself; excited that his friends were here to visit. The omega laid back on the couch to look up at the ceiling before turning his gaze over to face Yoongi, who still stood by the doorway holding the oversized stuffed tiger in his arms. "I'm so glad to see you both!" Jimin claimed as Yoongi threw the tiger over Jimin and went to sit close to his friend.

          "We wanted to give the two of you some time, but... Taehyung could only last a week before running off to the store and almost spending all his money!" Yoongi claimed and shook his head with a slight chuckle. "He loves babies. Very family oriented.."

         "I do! So, where's Minho?" Taehyung wondered so excitingly while Jimin pointed his attention towards Taehyung.

          "He's asleep. But, maybe in about.. Thirty minutes or so? He'll be awake!" Jimin claimed as Taehyung then looked at the small baby monitor by the television to hear Jungkook cooing at the pup and talking to him in a sweet voice. "Oh he's awake now." Claimed the Omega before smiling over at the beta. "Go right ahead and see the pup. I'll be up there in a few minutes."

           "Thank you so much, Jimin!" Exclaimed the happy beta while he threw his Gucci shades aside and ran up the steps of the stairs like a happy child. This left Jimin to then look at Yoongi and tilt his head, looking as if he was ready to mention something about Taehyung.

          "Why... Don't you give him a child? He wants one." Jimin whispered into a question as he looked at Yoongi. "I think he's ready for it, adoption is best."

           "Jimin.. It's so tough to explain." Whispered the alpha in return. "Taehyung doesn't want any child. He wants a baby... A baby of his own. That's why he was so happy to get here in the first place. But, it's so hard for him. You know betas can't bear any babies. Besides, his schedule is always packed with movies or commercials to act in. He doesn't have time for babies. He thinks he does, but I know he doesn't. Of course, I never tell him this... But I don't want kids.. I didn't even marry him, yet he thinks so far ahead."

          "Oh... Well, maybe if you-"

           "We're not ready for kids. Especially me. So, we won't adopt until it's nothing but a small voice trying to talk to him even after we're married. I don't want any pups."

           "Ah, Yoongi... Pups aren't easy, but you could manage. If you can handle being up so early in the morning, changing diapers, feeding every now and then, than you could do it." Jimin continued but, all these things just didn't sound right to the Alpha. Yoongi made a sour face as he tilted his head and shook it afterwards.

          "No. It doesn't seem easy. Maybe I just don't think Taehyung and I are ready. We'll get married soon, but not have a child. It's something I just don't find so appropriate for the both of us, especially when we are still too young." Yoongi claimed and let out a sigh afterwards. "I hate to do that to him."

        "Did he ever ask?"

        "Countless times already, then I'd have to break it to him and tell him it's too soon. Yet, he doesn't know that I don't want any pups at all." The Alpha concluded. He didn't want to upset his Beta, yet Yoongi only said this because he didn't want Taehyung to feel upset when he had to face the fact that he would never conceive but just adopt.

       "I understand." Replied Jimin before standing up and patting Yoongi's lap and smiling at him. "Let's go see Minho!" Jimin told Yoongi as the Alpha finally pulled a smirk and took off his shades to set the glasses down by Taehyung's before they travelled up the stairs and to Minho's room. By there, Yoongi looked in the room, the calm and warm atmosphere surrounded everyone as Jungkook sat on the couch, laying back and having his pup over his chest. Refusing to hand him over as the pup only cooed and sucked his own small fist.

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