Chapter 9: Big decisions

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          Complete silence followed after Taehyung’s talk with Yoongi as he dared not to utter a word. This left the Beta to think that Yoongi just didn't want a child at all. His lover couldn't understand why, but he knew Yoongi just didn't want the stress of looking over a pup every single day. Especially when the couple still had yet to marry. Taehyung stepped up and gazed at his hanbok that came completed with the long wig covering his head assisted with royal barrettes to pin some of his bangs back at the top of the wig. If he couldn't wait for a child of his own, the least he could wait for was his own wedding he still waited for patiently.

          The beta stepped out of the dressing room and was greeted by the hyper director himself, Jung Hoseok. The director carried a bag by his side as he walked up with a megaphone in his hands and a gleaming smile, showing his bright and sharp fangs. “HELLO! I'M YOUR HOPE, YOUR ANGEL!” Shouted the alpha as Yoongi only lightly chuckled after seeing the whole staff roll their eyes or even cough. “Fine, guess you all don't need this job.” Hoseok muttered. Just then, the staff greeted the new director and clapped for him, making Hoseok just smile and press his hand over his heart once given praise. “Ah! I'm flattered! so, I am now the new director for this film “The King’s roses!” Thank you all for being here on the first day of set! May I see my Prince and the high class fair maiden?” Called out Hoseok into the megaphone.

         Taehyung then walked up to meet with the director as another girl walked up with a bright purple silk hanbok. Her hair was styled long, a bright blue barrette with white orchids along it, teal silk gown, purple top cape with floral designs and long pastel purple sleeves. This was an Omega, bright and airbrushed light skin, black silk hair and light red lips that matched her black straight eyebrows. She was perfect to fit the role of a high class girl.

         “Taehyung? So nice to have you on board! I worked with Jungkook and Jimin before, but never you! Welcome! This is your co-star, My LOVELY SISTER JIWOOOO!!!!!” Shouted Hoseok so happily while his sister smiled and shoved her younger brother.

         “Ah, for once I would like it if you wouldn't introduce me to someone like this!” Laughed the actress as she turned to Taehyung. “Hello, My name is Jung Da-won. I'm happy to be here and act with you!” Said the older girl as Taehyung smiled happily and shook hands with his co-star. Not feeling the sour gaze Yoongi had from a distance as he gawked at the two shake hands. Of course, it was in Yoongi’s nature to grow extremely overprotective about his Beta even if they had a little argument about having children back in the dressing room.

          After a while of watching over Minho, Jungkook was laying on the couch and scrolling through his twitter feed to read comments on his posts or kind posts pointed towards him. So far, there were many screenshots of his the pup posted during the livestream. Very soon, the pup woke up to be fed again only an hour later; the baby moved his hands around until he realized his hands were wrapped within the yellow mittens once again. This left Minho to let out a grunt while he started to kick his small feet within the soft socks and begin to let out a loud cry; not really growing fond of the mittens over his hands. Minho then desperately placed his right mitten hand over his mouth and slobbered all over it, but this just didn't feel the same and made the pup grunt while he kept kicking and grunting as his mouth still kept his yellow baby mitten over it. The pup then angrily slobbered over the mitten while Jungkook stopped for a second and heard the small and angry sounds his pup made. Causing the alpha to let out a chuckle.

           “Minho? Is that you?!” Jungkook laughed as the sounds stopped and only then, Minho began to cry; calling his father to walk forward and give him attention just the way Jimin does it. Jungkook approached the crib and parted the veil just to take the mittens off of his pup’s small little hands and only then, Minho started to suck onto his own hand and give off such an angry face while his red cheeks only puffed. “Oh Minho, you're like an angry little baby chick!” Jungkook continued to laugh as he picked the baby up into his hands and was suddenly greeted by a small pink fist covered in slobber slapping against the Alpha’s nose. “Min-Min!” Jungkook laughed and looked at the pup stop crying and then look around while his face was still red from the loud cries he gave out. “Ah, yes I know… I know.. I'll feed you now!” Jungkook assured the pup while he carried his son over to the rocking chair before picking the bottle up and removing the bottle pacifier from within the small plastic bag around it.

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