Chapter 105: The devil himself

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             Jimin stood in fear; his eyes remained widened and his breathing increased. His tears fell and his headache came rushing back… Just the sight of Kyunsji finally standing before him with Minho unconscious, made Jimin start to scream and cup the sides of his head in the torture he went through. “MINHO!” Jimin cried. Fearing his son wasn't breathing, but his eyes fixed on the pup's chest where it moved up slightly and down to show that he was still alive. “L-Let him go!” Jimin cried and just before he could charge toward the alpha, Kyunsji held his hand up and tilted his head with a smile once he paced one step back.

            “A-Ah! No… Be nice…be a good omega~” Kyunsji spoke and then rolled his trimmed and black silk hair back; shaped with an undercut just like Jungkook's hairstyle. Everything about him matched Jimin's alpha; the black turtleneck sweater, black ripped jeans, yellow timberlands, pitch black earrings on each earlobe, and his face was fresh and free of facial hair he had before. He looked just like Jungkook and the tone to his voice even resembled it. “Oh look at him… He looks just like you…” Whispered the mental alpha as he dragged his hand over the side of Minho's hair. Jimin just wished it was a dream now… But no matter what happened, this was reality.

          “P-Please… Please…” Jimin begged and as he stepped up to Kyunsji, But the alpha only shot his eyes up to glare at Jimin and make him step back. “Please don't hurt him….”

         “Hurt him..? You really think I'd hurt our baby boy? I would never.. Ah, we did such a good job with him. He has my eyes, lovely complexion… Your lips… Your silk hair…” Kyunsji went on as Jimin continued to cry in fear. “Oh darling! I forgot that you were pregnant. Please sit, I don't want you to hurt our pups.”

          “O-Ours?! They are not yours! They're mine and Jungkook's! NEVER WERE THEY YOURS!” Jimin shouted with the burst of anger he had once Kyunsji tried to play it off again like he was the one to sleep with Jimin and make the babies by there.

          “Why are you shouting at me?!” Kyunsji rose his voice as if he was ready to flip out with the omega going against him.

           “JOO-HO! JOO-HO!” Jimin cried loudly, “JUNGKOOK!” Begging for help through the tone of his cries that followed after. However, he stopped his loud sobs when Kyunsji suddenly pulled out a gun and loaded it to press the nozzle against Minho's moving chest. “K-Kyunsji… No!”

             “Stop… Shouting… I did nothing wrong.” Kyunsji said into a calm tone to his voice as he then looked down at the pup. “Joo-ho can't hear you anyways. He's sleeping along with Minho! I tranquilized them both. Wasn't easy, I had to lure that bodyguard outside and he fell for my trap. I caught him and then rushed inside to get my little Minho next. On the other hand, getting in was such a hassle… You all really brought up your security just like that…” Kyunsji whispered and then smiled at Jimin. “Oh baby, sit down. I don't want you to faint while I'm talking to you! Sit.”

            “N-No… No… Please take the gun off of my Minho…” Jimin whispered in pain. This was just the worst torture he could go through so far! Jimin felt like he couldn't breathe, like he couldn't catch a grasp of air in his lungs. Worse part of it was, Jimin couldn't stress over this so much or it would out his twins into risk. But due to such things, he couldn't remain calm. Just gawking at the gun pointed to his pup's chest scared him the most and was leaving him traumatized by the second.

            “Our...our Minho…” Kyunsji spoke in a sly tone to his voice as if he tried to correct the omega. “Oh sweetie… You don't even know how long it took for me to get here! I had to travel through the sewers- don't worry! I took like four showers before I got here. I'm well disinfected! Of course… I wouldn't come to see my family in a bad hygiene. Ah, my cute little family… I had someone watching over the two of you and that man helped me bail out! Countless times of course… Let's just say I pulled some strings. As of right now, I've been missing for so many hours! You all are so closed off that neither of you all could hear the news of my escape. I escaped the night of Minho's birthday. Which reminds me… Did you get the money? I want him to start getting things he wants without having to go through that disgusting excuse of an alpha…. What do you call him..? Jungkook? Ah…. I remember those days I used to love him, now I love you and I love you more than myself.” Kyunsji said and still kept the loaded gun against Minho's chest.

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