Chapter 70: Fake vs Reality

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          That night, Jungkook watched over his omega and caressed his hair softly while he tilted his head. He knew he was going to leave Jimin alone with Minho again for the day tomorrow since he was off to film another movie. This one was nothing but a story in a dystopia with action there as well. That was all Jungkook acted in. Horror and action and sometimes romance scenes within the action or horror, but he kept those scenes to himself and went off to the premieres on his own since Minho just couldn't see things like that. Especially when it came to horror and excessive violence. Jimin had to allow Jungkook to act in those scenes and feel sure that Jungkook will still love him out of anything; which showed that Jimin couldn't live without the alpha no matter what film the alpha chose to be in.

         Jungkook guided his hand down the side of Jimin's thigh softly and smiled while the omega laid on his chest gently. “My baby…” Jungkook whispered as he then leaned in to kiss the top of Jimin's gentle head of hair. “I can't sleep anymore… It's so tough for me knowing that I have to stay up and protect you… I never wanted this horrible feeling for you. I just hope his trial comes up quickly. I can't have him sending out someone to pull us apart. How does he even find all these people?” Jungkook asked and locked hands with Jimin's smaller hands. “I want to go instead of giving you up… But doing so will only lead to him sending that person to hurt us. Ah, this is no longer our lovely story on raising Minho… This is just the struggle of avoiding a man like him. Such a monster, a disgusting disgrace… Ugh, I can't buy another house.. It's just too much. No more running..” Jungkook continued.

         “Mm… Jungkookie…” Jimin whispered and made a smile at the feeling of his alpha caressing his hair back softly. “Kookie~”

        “What is it? Go to sleep, babe..” Jungkook whispered and leaned in to kiss the omega gently. “Sleep. Don't make me force you.” Jungkook added while Jimin opened his beautiful eyes that were always meant to drop onto Jungkook's focus so evidently.

         “Can't sleep?”

         “Jimin, it doesn't matter if I can or can't. Get some rest. Okay, Babe? I want to feel better knowing that you'll be asleep and I'll be protecting you like always.” Jungkook told the omega as Jimin crawled over to the alpha and dropped his head over the alpha's lap to look up at his husband with a cute smile. “You're so annoying~”

          “Kookie… Sleep. Please… You have a day at work tomorrow.” Jimin told the alpha as Jungkook sank back onto the mattress and let out a sigh. “You keep me safe if I know you'll hold me close tonight.” Jimin said with a calm and soft tone to his voice. “Don't be stubborn.. Do as I say..”

         “Oh, listening to you get like this is making me laugh!” Jungkook cooed and leaned in once more to kiss Jimin on his lips. “I love you.” Jungkook whispered to the omega and only then, he covered Jimin's eyes after.

        “Jungkook!” Jimin laughed and looked away as the alpha kept covering the older's eyes. “N-No!~”

         “Sleep! Now!” Jungkook said playfully until the omega grabbed Jungkook by his wrist and licked upwards. Making Jungkook gasp after and pull his hand back. “JIMIN-SSI!” Jungkook shouted and gazed at his hand in disbelief. “Where's that hand sanitizer when I need it?”

         “Shut up and sleep with me~” Jimin whispered while watching Jungkook rub his hand against the omega's shirt to dry. “Oh come on, don't be like that!~”

          “I'm only teasing.” Jungkook laughed and continued to dry his hand and move over the omega once more to lay over him gently. “Jimin… When are you planning to go over there?” The alpha wondered as Jimin began to play with the alpha's hair and smile to himself at the feeling.

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