Chapter 53: All I've lived for

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           “H-How many times do I have to tell you?! Leave me alone..” Jimin whispered and up until now, he was finally cornered against the wall. All he could do now was stand there in fear. His heart pounded with each beat rising and causing his anxiety to rise after. “There are many omegas out there! Find one that's not claimed… Find one that will love you!”

            “Oh Jimin… You just don't get it do you?” Kyunsji whispered as he stepped forward and dropped his hands onto his hips. Still showing the sharp points of his fangs while Jimin stood there to hear the alpha out. “You're the only one I've ever loved… With all these crazy things that goes on in my head, you're the one I want. I'm not going to hide the fact that I really have a disorder….but I'm just not going public with it. I can hurt Jungkook in so many ways through this. What I have is an identity disorder… So I'm someone I'm not most of the time… yet, I do love you and I agree to kill if I have to.” Kyunsji added and made a smile.

          “W-Why are you telling me this?” Jimin whispered in fear as the alpha then let out a laugh that sounded so similar to Jungkook's. “What fo you want me to do? Pity you?”

           “More like I'm warning you. If Jungkook wants to pull anything off, his career and fame will be on the line. There are no what if's.” Kyunsji continued and let out a chuckle right after as he stopped and was now in front of the omega. “Jimin… Don't stay with that thing… Stay with me..” Kyunsji whispered as Jimin was up against the wall. He knew if he was to run off, the strong alpha would grab him and push him against the wall to claim him there. By now, the omega was almost brought into tears with the fear he had coming over him and he just couldn't stand there in silence.

          “JUNGKOOK! JUNGKOOKIE!” Jimin cried loudly as he cupped his own face and leaned against the wall, but only then, Kyunsji forcefully pulled Jimin's hands away and held his wrists tightly with anger floating around in his mind. By now, his fangs were sharp with the temptation growing on marking Jimin as his. “LET ME GO!” Jimin shouted and wanted to push the alpha away, but Kyunsji was too strong.

          “Y-You know, you should love me for everything I've done for you! I've suffered and once I finally found the love of my life, you only push me away! WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME?!” Kyunsji yelled while Jimin continued to shout in discomfort until, the alpha then tilted his head while looking into Jimin's eyes. Suddenly, he pinned Jimin's hands above his head and kept it there with one hand while his other caressed Jimin's mating mark so softly. “I… I know how you'll learn to love me…” Kyunsji whispered as the omega started to kick and shout with tears.

         “N-NO DON'T TOUCH IT!” Jimin cried and just when Kyunsji was about to hug Jimin's body against his and mark him, Jungkook suddenly appeared right behind the alpha and forcefully grabbed the nape of Kyunsji’s neck. Causing the alpha pull away and clench his eyes shut in a flinch at the sudden feeling. Jimin opened his eyes and met with Jungkook's scary glare that was beating down against the imposter as he shoved the man onto the ground.

          “JIMIN!” Kyunsji shouted while the omega sat against the wall in silence. Leaving Jungkook to suddenly apprehend the alpha and peer right at him. “Jimin… J-Jimin please…”

         “Oh shut up already! Cry all you want.. Jimin will NEVER be yours! He's mine!” Jungkook shouted in return and caused the alpha under to keep staring at Jimin with tears appearing in his eyes until he got silent for a split second before he started to shout and try to push Jungkook off, but Jungkook kept the alpha down no matter what.

          “JIMIN I LOVE YOU! PLEASE LOVE ME!” Kyunsji shouted through the pain. Jimin then stood up and didn't even dare to bat his eyes to glance over at the alpha screaming in pain; Jimin only looked at Jungkook and pulled out his phone to call the police. Now, Kyunsji was caught and no place would suit him better than prison itself. “Jiminie… Please.. You're everthing I've lived for. You're the only one I lo-AH GET OFF! HE NEVER LOVED YOU!” Kyunsji shouted as Jimin called the police and ignored Kyunsji. This alpha was on the run after killing the officers on his own and breaking in once more to have Jimin. The omega was right all along. He was never right in the head, but this didn't mean Kyunsji acknowledged his actions. He understood what he did and still relied on the whole situation of him having Dissociative identity disorder. “...Jimin…” The alpha continued to weep as he went back and forth with himself. Arguing if he should fight or try to win Jimin through his tears. “Y-You love me… I know you do…”

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