Chapter 104: Make it last

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          Jungkook locked eyes with the one he called his beloved, the one he called his husband and soulmate. However, in his eyes it looked like Jimin carried more tears than there was before. Let alone, the stress he had before was multiplied by fear. The alpha laid there right by his Jimin and leaned in to kiss him. Their lips locked with their heavenly eyes closing shut at the feeling. Jimin just didn't want to let go of his alpha while they kissed before falling asleep.

        “Mmh- Jimin, you aren't going to die~” Jungkook assured the omega and placed his hand over Jimin's that was fixed over his cheek ever so gently. “Don't think like that… you're hurting me, babe…”

        “You hurt me more and you don't know it… getting me that taser… Scaring me… Leaving me…” Jimin continued to speak in whispers until the alpha brought Jimin's hand off of his cheek to softly lock and intertwine with it. “I want it all to end… But I don't want to lose you. Not my idol, not my best friend, not my first love, not my husband, not my soulmate… not my Jungkook…” Jimin explained and by there, Jungkook allowed a tear to roll down his own face as he moved in to continue to kiss Jimin's lips so softly and trail his kisses to Jimin's cheek that was covered in tears that rolled down the sides of his very own gleaming eyes. “I love you… So much…”

       “Jimin… I'll get rid of him… Just trust me, babe.” Jungkook whispered and with that, Jimin was too tired of keeping his eyes open to worry. “I love you more…”

        “I trust you…” Jimin whispered at last and felt his eyelids grow heavy. By the matter of seconds soon after, Jimin fell asleep right by Jungkook and their son Minho. Just hoping to be awaken by the new day he hoped to be safe from. However, as Jimin slept that night, he had the urge to get up and hug his alpha close, but those feelings alone interrupted his sleep and caused him to jolt awake. By there, he was surrounded by darkness. He was paranoid by waking up alone as his child and husband must have went upstairs to sleep. Jimin was tucked in and it was like Jungkook did it so the omega didn't pay any mind to it at all. On the other hand, a shiver ran down his spine as he glanced up to gaze at the digital clock… Oddly, it only had an empty sign to it like the clock was restarted.

          The clock flashed in bright red repeatedly as Jimin only growled to himself and stood up to find the time on his own. Yet, he was silent in the isolation. Within a second after his feet touched the cold ground, he heard something drop from the kitchen and the light flickered on. This made the omega tilt his head and approach the kitchen filled with an oblivious moxie. But, what he saw next was something frightening to his confident mind…

          “Who's in here?” Jimin asked and suddenly, his eyes locked onto what laid on the ground. There laying before him was Jungkook lifeless in front of him with the same look he had that night when he first fought Kyunsji and risked his life for Jimin. The alpha was drenched in water as his gaze fell skyward. The outfit he wore was just like that frightful night, but only this time his whole look was different because there was no pulse leading after. Jimin let out a blood curdling scream after seeing the love of his life dead right before him. “JUNGKOOK!!” Jimin cried and attempted to run to his alpha when, his wrist was pulled back and almost suddenly, he was in the arms of the crazy alpha he feared. However, Kyunsji wore the same outfit he had on when he broke in that day of Jungkook's rut. It was like Jimin only recalled the last outfit he saw Kyunsji in before he was taken away for good. “LET ME GO!”

        “W-WHY? WHY DON'T YOU LET ME HAVE YOU?!” Kyunsji growled in frustration and struggles and only then, Jimin fell back and pushed him away. Just before he could stand up to run…. He suddenly woke up from the nightmare with a shout and a startling flinch.

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