Chapter 61: Next to you

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       The following week, it was the night before the big day Jungkook and Jimin will move into the new house. Jimin sat on his mattress and looked back at how happy he was before. But now that the day was coming for the new house; it also meant a new life in isolation. He begged his alpha so many times to at least get a body guard while he acts in a film, but the alpha failed to comply. Jungkook just didn't want his omega to leave anywhere, he wanted Jimin within his reach like a caged bird. The omega sat in the empty room while he laid back on the mattress, the headboard and the structure of the bed was moved to the new house and all that was left was the mattresses in Minho's and the parents' room.

          As Jimin laid on the mattress, he turned his head to gaze at Jungkook scrolling through his twitter feed and holding the phone against his face to look through his fans' tweets. Jimin knew he shouldn't bring up the issue once more or else Jungkook would get upset. It wasn't a calm week through this because the omega alone would constantly beg and beg. Making it so difficult for him to ask for the billionth time. The older gazed at Jungkook from the back of his neck and only moved in. The alpha only wore his underwear to sleep as Jimin had the usual, loose, yellow silk top over his loose white bottoms. Jungkook was silent the whole time in bed, looking through all his fan's comments and tweets. This made him smile as he looked through fan-made edits or just fanarts.

          Jimin watched over Jungkook and slowly moved in as he climbed over his alpha and grabbed his phone to set it down on the ground while he leaned in and cupped his alpha's face to lock lips happily. “Mmh~ my omega wants to play?” Jungkook whispered to the omega's ear and made a smirk. “You should wait until we have our bed. Not just the covers and the mattress.” The alpha continued as Jimin giggled and shook his head with a cute smile before locking hands with his alpha. “Then, what do you want, babe?”

          “Jungkookie… I'll be so lonely at the new house..” Jimin whispered and gripped onto Jungkook's hands before the younger could even think about bailing out of the conversation since he knew where this was going. “Jungkookie.. Listen…”

           “Again with this, Jimin? Ugh.. Baby, you aren't an easy omega..” Jungkook added and pressed his head back. “You literally just turned me off.”

            “I.. I just don't want to be lonely… I might feel pain! D-Don't you feel bad for me?”

             “You won't go through pain. Stop being dramatic and just… Go to sleep.” The alpha continued as Jimin shook his head and leaned in to hug the alpha while he pouted and moved his head up to face his husband. “..You cute and annoying little omega. So disrespectful… I'll have to punish you for that.”

             “Mmh… Nice try, but I know you won't hurt me~ even on your own rut, you'll never hurt me~” Jimin whispered to the alpha's ear. “Jungkookie… I want you~” Jimin played around as he kissed the alpha on the side of his neck. Just then, Jungkook shoved Jimin off to the side on the mattress as he looked back to see his omega giggle. “-Ah~ Jungkookie! This is the first time you don't want to play with me.”

            “I know what you're doing, Babe. You're doing this so I can do what you want. You've reached a whole new low to the point where you use sex against me to get what you want! Ah, I'm surprised and proud you can manipulate a guy like me~ but no. Go to sleep or else I won't let you rest tonight.” Jungkook threatened the omega as he pulled a smirk while Jimin kicked off the bed covers and spreaded his legs, licking his own lips right after.

           “Bite me~” Jimin teased as Jungkook got up from the mattress and stretched as he looked back at Jimin still waiting on him. “Come play with me~ Give me attention, I'm bored~”

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