Chapter 72: Words off a script

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          Towards the afternoon, Taehyung made it to the set since it was finally time for him to shoot his scenes. As he made it to the set, Hoseok wore a crown and sat on his director chair; looking like a king that he is. He wore his tight black jeans, grey T-shirt and loose Gucci shoes for his special day. He was on the phone receiving many calls wishing him a great birthday while a producer brought him seaweed soup too! Taehyung noticed how happy the alpha was and thought he should at least wish him a good birthday.

         The beta approached the alpha and then stopped in front of the director to smile as Hoseok looked up, setting the phone down before adjusting his crown. “Happy birthday, Hoseok! Have a great one.” Taehyung said. Only doing this to sound friendly as Hoseok stood up to hug the beta as thanks.

        “Thank you! Hey, Taehyung feel free to follow after shooting. We'll throw a party after. Can you make it?” Hoseok asked warmly as Taehyung shrugged and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

        “I'll be sure to tell Yoongi about it. Maybe he'll like to come.” The beta added as Hoseok nodded his head and patted the beta's shoulder.

        “Sure! Bring him. It'll be fun. We're going to do it at my house.” Hoseok added and walked off after to hold the phone up to his ear. Taehyung smiled to himself and was glad that Hoseok moved on with no feelings for the beta. The two were at peace and only now, Taehyung was excited for the party since everyone was coming and he could bring his own husband to talk to Hoseok again. Starting a new friendship out of the mess they had between each other for years now.

           During the same hour, Jimin kept gazing back at the window he drew curtains shut and only kept walking until he reached the bedroom where he heard the pup's loud giggles. Jimin stepped in and brushed the feeling aside. Not wanting to startle the pup but, he was sure to make plans on telling Jungkook alone. “Why are you all making such a big mess?!” Jimin shouted to see the pup letting out a giggle while he held the throw pillow of the couch. Jungkook lifted the cushions and rose the blanket over it to make a fort while Jimin gazed at how happy Minho was getting.

         The pup was slowly becoming isolated due to staying home all day. Jeon Minho wanted to go out, have fun and meet up with his only friend; Kim Sejin. However, he had no other friends after. Just her. That's why every time, he begged to go out. Yet, that life was taken from him and left him home all day like a prisoner at a young age. Isolation was bound to fall on his plate. Jimin noticed slight changes to his pup and couldn't help but to feel like a horrible parent while Jungkook tried his best to give Minho the world… although, staying home all day was a world Minho didn't think he'd ever live in.

         Jimin watched the two until they were done and Jungkook stepped back to see the structure made out of pillows, cushions and blankets while Minho screamed in joy and crawled in to giggle. “Jungkookie, you'll clean all this up!” Jimin laughed while he walked over to the bed and sat down while gazing at the two.

         “Oh I will, don't worry about it-” Just then, Jungkook noticed Jimin seemed troubled. Each word he said that seemed happy sounded very dull to the tone of his soft voice. He hid this so Minho couldn't tell his father wasn't happy when he really was and looking as if something bothered him. This was what Jimin couldn't let the pup see after crying in front of him multiple times. Jungkook then took out his phone and crouched down to the entrance of Minho's pillow fort and then began to facetime Namjoon so Minho can finally talk to Sejin like before. “Hey, talk to Sejin, Minho…” Jungkook said as Minho made a cute smile and set his father's phone down since his small hands couldn't carry the big phone.

         “Hi, Sejin!!” Minho said too early as Namjoon just answered the face time. “Mr. Kim, Minho wants to see Sejin!” Minho said happily as Namjoon couldn't help but to laugh and agree to it. The father then handed the phone over to Sejin who was sitting down and watching television in her uniform from school. “Hi, Sejin!!” The pup repeated happily as Sejin giggled. “Sejin, Guess what?”

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