Chapter 34: In the wrong

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          Jimin kept the letters sent from the asylum by his side as he stood up and walked over to the cabinet in the living room and set it inside to read later. In his mind, Jungkook didn't see him do it, but with good hearing, Jungkook listened to every little thing his omega did. He watched Jimin hide the letters and he listened. Only making Jungkook take a pause while he was wrestling playfully with Minho. After Jimin set the letters inside the cabinet, he turned his head to look over at his husband and son. “Should I start cooking our meal?” Jimin asked as Minho smiled so happily as Jungkook was leaning back on the pup's body so gently; but enough to keep the young alpha from escaping.

         “Minho wants to help!” Minho exclaimed. Minho was very good at forming sentences through phrases he learned from getting read to when he was just a young and newborn pup. The reason why he spoke in a third person was because this was the way Jungkook and Jimin could get the pup to understand his name and learn it. “Minho wants fried chicken!”

         “Fried chicken again, Minho?” Jungkook exclaimed as he let the pup go just so he could answer. “We had that yesterday!”

          “Fried chicken!” Minho continued as he got off the couch so happily and ran over to Jimin's side at the entrance of the kitchen. “Fried chicken! Please daddy!” Minho continued as he hugged Jimin's legs and kept begging. “Fried chicke-” Suddenly, Jimin scooped the pup up and into his arms and smiled at him while he held him up.

          “No, Minho. Your father is right; we had that yesterday!” Jimin continued as Minho made a pout and showed off his beady eyes that always made Jimin want to do what his pup told him. “Don't give me those eyes, Minho. You need steamy vegetables, rice, maybe some stew with scallions.” Jimin continued and pinched Minho's chubby cheek so softly. “I don't want our lion to be unhealthy! Fried chicken is good but not every day.” Jimin concluded as the pup shook his head and still held his pout. “Ah, you're really something else.”

          “Don't secretly give him chicken either! You can't spoil him.” Jungkook continued as he stood up and stretched before pushing up his round glasses against his eyes. “I'll be given another role soon and I don't want you feeding him chicken behind my back.” The younger alpha then laughed as Minho blew raspberries at the other alpha. “Oh! Alright! Two can play at that game!” Jungkook replied and blew raspberries too. Yet, this only left the two going on back and forth like they were in war.

           “AH! Stop it!” Jimin giggled as the omega turned around to take Minho to the kitchen and this only left the young alpha to glare over at Jungkook playfully while Jungkook couldn't hold in his laughter anymore. By there, Jimin sat Minho down over the counter and made a smile at him while the pup was sitting there patiently and waiting for Jimin to take out the ingredients so he could help out too like he always would.

            “Pizza?” Minho asked so cutely as Jimin smiled and shook his head silently. “...Fried ch-”

            “Min-Min, junk food is good but only time to time! Don't eat that every day.”


            “Because it's not healthy. You need vegetables and fruit.”



             “BECAUSE YES!” Jungkook shouted from the living room and made Jimin nod his head.

              “Because yes.” Jimin repeated after and took out the ingredients from the fridge to cook steamed vegetables, stir fried fish cakes, rice and a pinch of salt over the kimchi flavored noodles. Of course, Jimin made sure he didn't add too much spice for Minho and served him in his small serving when done. While Jimin was cooking in front of Minho. Jungkook came around and hugged Jimin from the back and gave his husband a kiss on the back of his neck while Minho shook his head and made a sour face right after.

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