Chapter 48: Because of you

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            With the sound of the worried pup whispering to his parents that there was someone peeking through his window, all Jungkook heard right after was a high pitched sound that muted all the other voices in the room. Jungkook finally reached his rut, but before he could grab his omega, he was determined to take out the other alpha that posed as a threat. Jungkook grew silent as Jimin pushed himself forward to run after the pup and scoop him into his arms before Jungkook charged out of the room to face Kyunsji. This alone left Jimin's heart to drop as he picked Minho up and turned his body to fall on his back with Minho in his arms as he caught a glimpse of his own alpha running out of the room.

            “KYUNSJI?! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” Jungkook shouted as he barged into Minho's room and ran through the large windows of the room. Breaking through them as he finally jumped through to hurt the alpha. With the sound of the glass shattering, Jimin flinched as Minho started to tremble.

          “D-Daddy, what's wrong with father?” Minho asked as Jimin knew Jungkook was going to come back eventually and come for him soon after, but he couldn't have Jungkook harm Kyunsji if he was found in the property. In which, Minho still caught the scent of the other alpha… Hiding somewhere outside the big yard. It was only a matter of time before Jungkook was to find him and brutally murder the alpha for stalking his son. At this moment, Jungkook wasn't aware that if he was to do this, his life would be ruined and fame altogether. He'll be seen as someone everyone loved but now turned the other cheek on.

           “M-Minho… Now's not the time to ask questions! Namjoon will be here soon and I want you to go with him!” Jimin panicked as he picked Minho up and grabbed his own phone to call the police to report that Kyunsji was here. Minho was growing afraid as he hugged his own father tightly and shivered right after. “Shh… It'll be okay. We don't have enough time to be afraid..” Jimin whispered. The omega began to feel stressed. He needed to have Minho leave the house before Jungkook returns, or there was a chance that the alpha himself could hurt the pup for being an alpha too. Not wanting to share the omega with anyone at the moment and Jungkook was in that state to be able to hurt just anyone that crossed paths with him; even if that meant his own flesh and blood. “Please… For once I hope Kyunsji makes a good distraction!” Jimin said in his own head and only then, he was on the line with the police to have them come quickly and take Kyunsji away before Jungkook was to rip him to shreds. Literally!

             Minho was then placed down on the ground while Jimin made the quick call, the pup was beginning to panic. He didn't know how scary his own father would get through this! Of course, Minho didn't even know what this even was. The young alpha still wasn't taught the purposes of heats and ruts, so he just thought that his own parents got into a big argument and made Jungkook frustrated. “Daddy… Minho need uncle Namjoon!” The pup uttered in worry. Yet, Jimin was still on the line, urging the police to come quick before Jungkook was going to kill the man off. Minho sought this on his own as he did the worse mistake and that was to walk away from his father and look out the window to see a car approaching. That was Namjoon; the one the pup was expecting in such a scary moment. “Daddy! Uncle Namjoon is here!!” The pup said so happily as he ran back to the bedroom to see Jimin quickly hang up on the phone to warn Namjoon before he was to open the gates and potentially allow Kyunsji to escape.

           “Minho! Stick by me. I don't want you hurt!” Jimin Said as he grabbed his pup's hand and called Namjoon who was just about to push in the numbers of the pin for the gates. Just then, he received a call from Jimin and tilted his head before he could answer instantly. “Hello? Jimin are you all ready?”

          “S-Something's come up… I need you to get Minho out of here quick. Jungkook is on his rut and Kyunsji is in the yard. Right now, I'm too scared to open any doors… Jungkook could be there or Kyunsji. Either way, it won't be any good!” Jimin warned the alpha as Namjoon quickly shut the headlights of his car off so suddenly.

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