Chapter 93: An off coincidence

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        It was later on the night now. The pale moon rose up in the middle of the dark blue night with stars peppered all over the dark skies. It was a lovely scenery outside like it was picked from a movie with the tint of dark blue stretching far out the horizon. Minho was running around the house with glee until the bodyguard suddenly snatched the pup from running down the hall and held him in his arms. Causing Minho to let out loud shout with giggles followed soon after.

        “AH- MINHO WANTS TO WIN!” The pup shouted as Joo-Ho set the pup down once more and gave him a head start to run first.

        “You're not being fair, how will I win?”

         “Best friend can imagine it!” Minho added before running out of the hall and crawling slowly down the stairs so he wouldn't fall off. At the moment, Jimin was in his bedroom, gazing out of the window as he just waited for his alpha. He knew his husband eventually watched over his family through surveillance and Jimin was expecting Jungkook to come home anytime and grow jealous over every interaction Jimin shared with Joo-Ho. Of course, Jimin knew the alpha would address it, so the omega was waiting for it all. As Jimin sat down in front of the window, he heard the childish echoes of Minho running down the halls and giggling as soon as he began to climb down the stairs and continue playing with the bodyguard he called his best friend.

         Eventually, those childish giggles turned into a loud shout as soon as the front doors opened. Signifying that Jungkook was finally home and Minho just couldn't contain himself from seeing his father after a long day. “FATHER!” Minho shouted as Jimin then sat on the chair, waiting for his alpha to come up and see him on his own. Believing his Jungkook would try to embarrass him in front of the bodyguard. Jungkook stepped in and smiled once Minho ran up to him to give out a warm and tight hug on the legs since that was all Minho could reach. “Minho missed father!”

         “Ah, did you miss me a lot?” Jungkook whispered and then crouched down to talk to his pup as the bodyguard locked the door behind Jungkook and smiled at the two with a gleeful, yet, tired gaze; from playing with Minho all day after a meal.

         “Not a lot! Minho was playing with best friend!” Minho replied and jumped with a giggle surfacing from his adorable smile. “Minho wants best friend to read Minho a story! Minho wants hear the story of ‘Where bagel!”

         “Where… Bagel? Don't you mean ‘Where on earth is my bagel?’ ah, I read that to you already.” Jungkook chuckled and Minho started moving his body up and down excitedly to be read the story. “Don't stress your best friend out…”

         “It's alright Mr. Jeon! I'll read it to him and put him to bed! You must be sleepy. So, don't worry I'll take care of Minho for tonight.” Joo-Ho insisted and kept his usual smile he'd always flash when he was around the Jeon family. Certainly, he'd always smile since he alone was a fan of Jungkook’s work and Jimin's work when he was still a one hit wonder.

         “Alright… Thank you. Hey, where's my husband?” Jungkook asked as Joo-Ho picked Minho up into his arms and pointed to the bedroom door. For once, Joo-Ho felt like Jungkook accepted him and didn't spend one second glaring at him like always. Jungkook seemed more calm now and the alpha was happy that Jungkook alone dropped the whole arrogant act. At least, that was just for now. “Tell me whenever you leave so I can make sure the doors and gates remain locked.” Jungkook added on and with that, he ended the conversation short and walked upstairs to meet with Jimin. Along the way down the hall, he began to take off his leather jacket and lick his lips before stepping into the bedroom to see Jimin resting his head over the base of the window to stargaze.

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