Chapter 94: The crossroads ahead

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           By sunrise, Minho woke up around 11:34 AM -Which was the hour he always tends to wake up at,- Minho sat up in bed and before he could run off and wake his parents up in case they overslept; the pup turned his head to realize that his best friend fell asleep on the floor. This made Minho get so happy, he let out a loud giggle and crawled off of his bed to make it to the alpha sleeping on the ground with his hands over his chest so silently. “Best friend!” Minho shouted excitedly, crawling off the bed to jump onto the alpha’s chest to wake the older man up. “BEST FRIEND!!”

            “A-Ah! Oh… Good morning, Minho…” Joo-Ho said and looked around while the pup then got off the man to jump excitedly in place. “Sorry if I stayed here overnight.”

          “Best friend should tell Minho next time! Minho will bring snacks and more books!” Minho added and kept gazing at his best friend. “Minho will tell Daddy and Father, best friend stayed over.” The pup promised and dashed out of the room, making sure he closed the door right after. The young alpha then rushed into the parents room and met eyes with his parents fast asleep in bed while holding each other close like always. “MINHO HAD SLEEP OVER!” Minho shouted and that woke the two up almost instantly.

          “Y-You what…?” Jimin whispered and rubbed his eyes and sat up to gaze at his pup holding his happy face like every other second. “Oh Minho, such a morning person.” Jimin whispered and rolled his hair back while Jungkook still wrapped his arm around the hips of his omega to hold him close and keep him from moving away from his grasps. “Kookie! Move it...”

          “He's a morning person because of you… And no.” Jungkook replied and only gritted his teeth as soon as Jimin placed his hand over Jungkook's arm wrapped around his husband's waist. “Stay…”

          “Ah, you're always up before me! Anyways, don't you have work today, Jungkookie?” Jimin questioned as Jungkook opened his eyes and glared at the omega. Making his husband grow nervous within seconds. “Uh…”

           “In the afternoon. Now hold still.” Jungkook responded in a blank expression and shoved Jimin back against the mattress to hold him down and keep him close to his embrace. “Shh…”

           “Daddy, listen to Minho! Best friend is here!” Shouted the pup and longing for the attention of his parents. “Best friend had sleep over!”

           “Why is he here?” Jimin wondered and that's when Jungkook finally let his grip around his husband loose. “Oh he must've been really tired. He's been with Minho all day yesterday and I know it's an exhausting thing to do. Minho is a hyper little pup.” Jimin added as Jungkook blinked his eyes open and sat up.

           “It's my fault… I told him to tell me once he was done putting Minho to sleep and I came in here to sleep with you..” Jungkook stated and stretched after. “Minho, tell him he is free to leave right now.” Jungkook ordered the pup as he stood up and went to find a shirt before walking out to lock the gates behind Joo-Ho.

           “No! Minho wants best friend to stay…” Whined the boy into a pout. Constantly making Jimin laugh at the sight. “Why is Daddy laughing?! Was Minho being funny? Minho wants to stay with best friend…”

           “Minho, that is no way to talk to your daddy.” Jungkook said and threw on a shirt before walking to the bathroom and looking back to point at his son. “Say sorry and tell Joo-Ho that he is free to leave for now. If he wants, maybe he should come back later.” Jungkook concluded and this made Jimin tilt his head.

          “I thought you didn't like him.” Jimin whispered and Minho let out a loud gasp through the pitched tone to his voice.

          “Well, I realized I was being too tough on him anyways. I watched the two of you talk it out and I realized that now. But, it still doesn't mean I trust him completely. Just a fifty percent chance right now.” Jungkook assured and Minho looked at Jimin; quickly crawling onto the bed and trying to make his way to his father and hug him tightly.

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