Chapter 14: Depart

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          The next day, the couple woke up around 7:40 AM to get ready for the long day they had ahead. Jimin was planning on wearing a white T-shirt, denim knee-length shorts along with white shoes. However, as Jimin set those clothes out and over his arm, Jungkook stepped right in front of him with his hands on his own hips. Jungkook had on a black beanie, a pair of yellow timberlands, and a loose yellow dress shirt that was tucked into his knee-ripped denim pants. Jimin had to gaze up at Jungkook and just wonder why his Alpha was standing before him in such a possessive way.

         “Jungkookie, we don't have all day!” Jimin giggled while the Alpha then picked Jimin’s planned outfit up and sucked his teeth followed by his head shaking to show that he wasn't a fan of the outfit. “What…?”

          “Oh babe, you dress up just like that jumpy alpha, Jung Hoseok.” Jungkook said and tossed the clothes Jimin was planning to wear over on the bed. “You won't be wearing this. You show too much skin.”

          “Wait.. What?” Jimin asked as Jungkook walked to Jimin’s dresser so he could put on the clothes Jungkook chose for him. “It's my first time going out after labor and I have to wear what you like?” Jimin asked as he walked over to Jungkook so he could try and put every clothes Jungkook took out, back to where they were.

           “Jimin, we are going to where Kyunsji is. I don't want him looking at every part of your skin. You're mine. You won't show your everything to someone like him.”

            “I'll just be showing my knees! Jungkook, it's not that serious-”

           “Here!” Jungkook then took out a long sleeved striped shirt along with Jimin’s black jeans. “This is perfect. Wear this instead.” Jungkook said as Jimin gazed at the clothes he had to wear. “Put it on, babe… No arguments. Don't tuck in the dress shirt, have it over your rear to cover it.” Jungkook concluded and walked out of the room so he could go to the nursery room and feed Minho. Jimin wanted to complain, but he knew Jungkook would always try to play it off like he wins every argument. This was something that still stuck with Jungkook; the bratty personality he still had within, yet it barely came out at times like these.

         Eventually, Jimin complied with his husband and chose to wear what Jungkook gave him. Starting to understand that wearing shorts and a plain white T-shirt where Jimin’s bra could be visible, wasn't such a good idea because Kyunsji would be able to look at Jimin's body this way. Jungkook only did this to cut off those hungry stares Kyunsji used to give Jimin. Just as Jimin stepped out of the bedroom, he carried his documents in a manila folder while he walked over to the nursery room to peek in at Jungkook feeding Minho before Taehyung and Yoongi were to show up for the day. Jimin stood there and made a smile at the doorway as Jungkook continued to smile at his little pup.

         Minho wore white baby mittens, a yellow beanie, matching socks and had on a short sleeved baby white bodysuit with no leg sleeves and the holes for legs just showed his oversized diaper under the clothes for his small body. “Minho, your father and I will be gone today. I don't know when we'll come back, but I want you to guard the house for us and no parties!” Jungkook told Minho while the pup kept gazing up and placing his small mitten paw over the bottle and hitting the side of it gently. Lately, it took long for Minho to finally grow use to the mittens locked over his hands every day. Even Jimin was surprised to know that Minho was used to wearing the thing he hated the most.

        Before Jimin could walk into the room, he picked his phone up and decided that now it was time to call Taehyung and Yoongi. The boy then dialed the number and leaned by the doorway and watched Jungkook continue to speak to his pup. Always trying to get Minho familiar to words so his mind could stay expanding. So far, Minho only gawked at his parents speak, cooing and only communicating through his small smiles he would shed through his cute and pink gums that always triggered smiles through everyone's face. “Ah, Minho you're so cute! Don't give me those puppy eyes because you know how much I can't say no to those!” Laughed the alpha as he could see Jimin already talking over the phone so they could leave quickly and get back home quicker. “Look at your father, he already wants to leave you! He's so mean… But, don't worry; I try to stop him. He hurts me in so many ways! Especiall-”

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