Chapter 5: Wake-up call

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         Taehyung remained there, gazing down at Minho as he continued to feed the hungry pup. After a while, the way Minho gazed up at the beta the whole time made the man let out a chuckle. “Ah, his eyes are gorgeous, but he looks at me like I'm going to hurt him!”

        “He's just trying to get to know you! Don't be like that, Tae!” Yoongi told the beta while Taehyung pouted and looked back at Minho. “He must be a handful… Isn't he?”

          “Yes, he is. This just adds onto more of the stress we just have; kicking in slowly.” Jungkook claimed as he let go of Jimin and walked over to the rocking chair just to sit back. Once again, looking at the two just sitting there in confusion as Jimin was well aware of the whole situation now.

          “Stress kicking in slowly…? What's that supposed to mean?” Taehyung worried as he finally pried his gaze from Minho and back to the couple up ahead.

           “There's a certain ‘leech’ clinging onto us like before… Ugh, he's sending Jimin letters now. But we don't read them, I don't want to hear from this guy… He gets on my nerves!” Jungkook mentioned as Yoongi took a while to think about it.

            “OH! Kyunsji? Ah, don't be like that. It's part of a leech’s nature to suck blood out of a person, Kyunsji? No, he does that on purpose to be thrown to the side. He just wants attention and you can't really compare anything to a parasite like that.” Yoongi claimed as he let out a chuckle after. “He's far from here… You'll live. Don't worry about it!”

            “Kyunsji is sending you letters? Not surprising. He's been preying on Jimin for so long. Can't they take away the privilege of him being able to send letters?” Questioned the Beta as he then pulled the bottle from the pup’s lips, making Minho look up and pout his lips and gaze up at the beta.

          “Mh-” Minho hummed as he was about to start crying so suddenly. Taehyung then looked down and his eyes widened, just dreading to hear the baby cry in his arms. Suddenly, Minho was starting to cry as Yoongi chuckled and moved a spot down on the couch to avoid hearing Minho’s cries just against his ear.

        “J-Jimin! What do I do?” Taehyung panicked. Softly bouncing the pup in his arms. “Minho, you finished your bottle already! I can't give you more.”

        “Put him in a burping position, he loves laying on someone’s chest.” Instructed Jungkook as Taehyung complied and set Minho over his chest. At the moment, Minho was crying and kicking his small feet while his eyes closed with tears flowing through them. “Ah, Taehyung you broke his heart.”

          “I can't keep feeding him an empty bottle! Um… I'll try to stand up and bounce him over my chest?”

          “Standing up and moving around gets him anxious.” Jimin noted as he walked over and sat on Jungkook’s lap while his lips curved into a smile. “Keep him there.”

          “Taehyung, you need to be calm! Pups know when you're not comfortable.” Yoongi chimed in while Taehyung looked to his side where he watched Yoongi hold a smile and sit afar now. This made Taehyung move in closer as he set Minho over Yoongi’s chest and watched how the pup continued to pout and open his eyes to gaze up at the alpha while the bottom lip into the pout quivered. “A-Ah… W-What do I do now?”

         “Burp him.”

         “...okay but it's not going to be easy to burp someone's full name.” Yoongi claimed while Jimin started to giggle and cup his own face while he couldn't stop laughing while Jungkook chuckled too.

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