Chapter 69: Playing his games

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            Taehyung grew silent as he kept looking down at the bed. He had no idea what to do next and only stood there in silence while he could only imagine the many gazes he was given by the crew members. After a few minutes, a door could be heard and all he could hear was footsteps. From the corner of his eye, he could see Jun-Shin walk by with his regular clothes as Hoseok's director seat was left empty. This meant Hoseok was going to act the scene with him and this only left the beta to look as if he was about to panic. The beta then turned around to meet eyes with the alpha and gazed at him in the slightest fear.

            “H-Hoseok…” Taehyung breathed as the director looked just like the actor for this scene. He wore the outfit and was ready for it. “I-I can't…”

            “It's just business… It's either me or him and I know how you are, Mr. Kim…” Hoseok told the beta.

             “But I don't love you-”

             “It's just acting. Not marriage...” Hoseok cleared things up as Taehyung nodded his head slightly and looked down. He trusted the alpha's words right after and knew Hoseok wasn't going to fall for him at all. Yet, this didn't make the beta's issue any better. He still had an uncomfortable feeling he had with the other actor… But this was the director he argued with after all this time. Only after the producer could call out action, the younger felt Hoseok guide his hands up the beta's torso while he softly pressed his kisses against Taehyung's neck. Making the younger drop all the fear he had built up from before.

           It was an off and bitter feeling and there was no way out if this, it was just like his dream; feeling like there was no end until there was one mess up where the producer had a say to call it off and make this last longer. By there, Hoseok slowly began to take the beta's shirt off while the camera distracted the younger and made him realize that it was just for this very scene. Not willing to allow this to happen for the next part. “What are you doing to me…?” Taehyung whispered as Hoseok followed the script by completely pulling the beta's shirt off to kiss along Taehyung's shoulder and trail his kisses up to the beta's cheek right after.

            “I'm going to love you, Yeong-Min…” Breathed the alpha and by there, Taehyung let out an exhale and turned to face the alpha. He wrapped his arms around Hoseok as the alpha carried him and just then, they locked lips for the first time. In Taehyung's mind, he knew it was nothing but a movie and could only imagine this as Yoongi. There was never a moment he never stopped thinking of his alpha; but deep down, he just felt dirty for doing this for the first and last time. He was sure of it. Hoseok leaned over against the bed and placed Taehyung under him as he continued the kiss and kept him pinned there as the camera moved in to catch the view from the side. Catching how their lips locked for that moment. To Hoseok, he tried everything inside of him to deny this and just say it was all a film. But oh boy, how much he wanted to have a moment to gaze at Taehyung than having him under him and kissing him for the camera.

         “I love you..” Taehyung whispered through it all as the alpha listened to the fake huffs the beta gave. All he hid was guilt through the feeling. He sat up and removed his shirt while taking a moment to gaze at how Taehyung got into character so suddenly, looking up at the alpha like he was all he desired. Yet, it just wasn't the truth. The dominant guided his hand along the beta's soft skin and kissed his neck once more. Hearing nothing but soft and fake moans the younger gave right after through every kiss and sweet touch Hoseok displayed and meant just for the film.

         Along the time, the two had to fully remove their clothes as Taehyung had to lock his legs around Hoseok's well toned torso and huff with each fake thrust the older gave. Even when the camera caught each movement, they were able to pass by this scene like nothing since none of them could afford to make one mistake and repeat it all. However, the tension they really had for each other was hidden under their act with each movement and sound of the covers rustling every time Hoseok pinned the younger's arms above his head to fake thrust when in reality, they only gestured it all.

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