Chapter 20: What I want

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            Such a short distance between them. Yet Taehyung wasn't that far; Yoongi could reach his hand out to try and talk to his lover and mend the wounds out of all the fights they had. Yoongi knew Taehyung and knew well that his beta didn't want to hurt the alpha like this. It was just anger that took over his well-being and attitude that silenced him out of everything. Every day, Yoongi tried to talk to his beta and try to get him to smile at least once… However, that was something Yoongi couldn't do. He'd even try to dress up as a clown to make his beta smile, but not even a crack from the corners of his lips were shown. That's how upset he was.

        Yoongi was sick of the solitude, the lonely echoes of his own voice trying to speak to his lover and the simple and blank glare he'd be give after. It wasn't fair to him, yet he was numb to it because long ago, his ex; Minse broke his heart and he had to get use to it all. Taehyung was there for him then, but now… He didn't have him by his side now and his beta was the only one who gave the alpha strength. It didn't come within, it came before him; exactly where Taehyung stood in place. Yoongi's glee only lied within there.

        Eventually, Taehyung was outside and ended off the final scene of the day with his hands locked with Jiwoo; gazing into her gleaming eyes while they were surrounded by roses like they were in a secret garden within the palace, however, they were just in the big set made for the film. “Aaand CUT! alright Taehyung, get your hands off my big sister.” Hoseok joked and shouted into the megaphone. “Other than that, GOOD JOB EVERYONE!!” Hoseok said so happily as he walked over to Taehyung and moved him away from his sister just so he could put his arm around the beta so happily. “You did great, Taehyung! How do you do it? How did you hide that lovely talent of yours after all this time and finally let it out like this? I am so proud to direct this movie with you!”

              “You say that everytime, Hoseok!” Taehyung laughed while the alpha kept walking by his side just to guide him to the dressing room and talk along the way.

              “I really appreciate having you here to act in the film. I keep telling you this because I'm honored! You make the movie something and it's nothing without the prince!” Hoseok claimed. After every little scene for the past few weeks, Hoseok had always walked up to Taehyung and praised his good acting. This was peculiar to the staff around them because normally, Hoseok would be in and out of sets. After shooting a movie, he would normally go out to eat by himself; but now, it seemed as if he wanted to stay behind and praise Taehyung… Especially when Yoongi wasn't around to protect his Beta. The younger man always thought this was only the director treating him like the main actor he was, but suddenly… It just didn't seem like the way Hoseok would act towards any of his own actors. To Jungkook or Jimin while shooting Rujiko, he never gave off such behavior, but only now, he was different.

            “If you keep doing this, I'll end up as spoiled as Jungkook!” Taehyung teased while Hoseok stopped walking just outside the beta’s dressing room; still keeping Taehyung close with his arm thrown over the younger. “When do I have the day off again? I want to pay a visit to little Minho.”

             “Ah, just choose a day, I'll make it happen! Anything for an amazing actor like you.” Hoseok continued and this made Taehyung smile. After movies and many acts he's been in, he just never thought he'd ever come across such a kind director towards him. “Hmm, you know Taehyung, if you aren't busy, we should go out for lunch.” Hoseok said and this only made Taehyung tilt his head. He was tempting, but something like this wouldn't sound to good in the ears of his alpha just beyond the dressing room door. “I see a lot of myself in you, Taehyung! You could be in more of my movies and I'll be sure to find you when I'm casting for other movies.” Promised the alpha as he handed Taehyung his business card and only then, the dressing room door flew open and there stood Min Yoongi; glaring at Hoseok. As an alpha, he was able to hear every little thing the director uttered to the beta. “Hi!”

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