Chapter 65: Stuck on you~

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         Jimin gasped with the deep feeling of Jungkook tugging onto the leash time to time with each thrust. The time slipping past them like nothing, Jimin tried his best not to reach his heat through this. He wanted to hold it back, but Jungkook made it so difficult to do so. The alpha was right behind him, gripping onto the leash while his other hand held Jimin's hips each time he thrusted deep inside the older omega. “AH-AH JUNGKOOK!” Jimin cried. Biting onto his own lip. He wanted to look back at his alpha, but all he experienced through it all was the warmth of Jungkook's hips pushing against his rear rhythmically and continuously. The pre-cum began to gush down the alpha’s slit and inside Jimin as the younger just didn't care if he was to cum inside of his omega… He knew he wasn't going to be risking anything since Jimin was against having any pups at the moment until all the drama was cleared up.

         “Whatever happens… Don't you ever take that blindfold off… understood, Babe?~ Only when I say so...” Jungkook managed to huff against his omega's ear and have the older quickly succumb to his question as Jimin rose his head up and let out a heavy pant before nodding his head.

          “A-Ah yes! Yes Jungkook!” Jimin cried and bit his lip after. Jungkook smiled from the view he had on his omega and tilted his head in to give a kiss to his lover on the side of his head. By now, Jungkook panted with sweat just emerging from the thin strands of his hair and to to the center of his neck, his chest and sharp collarbones as well. Jungkook only rolled his hair back, wrapped the leash along his hand, closed his eyes while circulating his hips, and pummeled mercilessly against Jimin's wet entrance. “NGH-”

            “Shhh~” Jungkook whispered and turned the omega over to face him while he placed his index finger over Jimin's lips before he smirked and resumed thrusting slowly. Having his Jimin arch his body forward to let out a sharp breath. Just then, Jungkook locked his gaze at how Jimin huffed against his alpha's fingers. Slowly drawing the alpha to insert his index finger inside Jimin's mouth. The omega silenced his own moans as he then began to suck Jungkook's finger and moan in between as Jungkook thrusted a bit faster. Regaining the speed he had before for his omega. “Mmh~ J-Jimin… Oh you're so good a-Ah..” Jungkook breathed while he'd continued to thrust a bit faster. He leaned his sweaty body against Jimin and had his omega gasp loudly while he gripped onto Jungkook's hips with his legs. “O-OH!  Oh fuck…” Jungkook hissed as he pulled his finger away and slammed one hand against the mattress to hold himself up as the other hand slapped against the side of Jimin's thigh. Making jimin flinch slightly and moan with his voice slightly trembling.

             “J-JUNGKOOK! Mh- I-I want to c-cum!” Jimin whimpered before he felt Jungkook's tongue lick over the laced bra, right where his nipples were. The omega let out another sharp breath and arched his body forward, allowing Jungkook to pull one hand under to wrap around Jimin's petite torso. By there, he held the omega's body up and listened to his shaky moans grow louder. Jungkook's wet tongue teased Jimin's hard nipples under the laced bra while he still had his cock slowly thrusting in and out of the bottom so he could last a little longer. Gentle mewls from the constant, slow and calm thrusts left Jungkook going slow for now as Jimin kept his eyes shut under the blind. “M-Mh… Mmh.. Jungkook… Jungkook… A-Ah.. I-I want to see y-you…” Jimin whispered as Jungkook gave no attention to that and tugged the leash again to gaze up at his little trophy to focus on Jimin's weary body.

               “Fine then… don't beg for mercy..” Jungkook added on and lowered Jimin's body onto the mattress as he pulled Jimin's blind down. By there, their eyes met and locked at how each other's gleaming eyes glew with stars of lust at such a moment like this. They both began to sweat and Jimin's lower half of his body looked drenched with all of Jungkook, thrusting his wet cock to pull out and rub his wet pre cum against Jimin's skin. “You just think you can have a say on what I do to you?~ Oh baby…” Jungkook whispered in his low voice as he caressed Jimin's side of his face. Making the omega look to the side of the room after. Jungkook spent no other second, he unclipped Jimin's laced bra and started to suck Jimin's breast like always as he then began to thrust a bit faster than the calm and gentle thrusts he was doing before.

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