Chapter 64: Keep Still~

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           Jimin approached the door and gazed in within the cracks where his eyes met with Jungkook sitting on the bed with his laptop. He was looking into something as he pushed his glasses up and the omega kept gazing while Jungkook had his focus locked onto the screen. The alpha was already done shooting the scenes for the movie, he was just waiting for the premiere to take his lovely family too. So, Jungkook sat there, looking through the potential movies to shoot since Manager Xin sent him a list of productions more than happy to accept him.

            The omega stepped in as Jungkook looked up, smiled, and then adjusted his glasses. “Oh you've come so late. I'm over here looking for movies now and you want to show up.” Jungkook said and sat up with the laptop. “I guess you'll just have to wait until I'm done.” Jungkook added while Jimin walked over to a dresser and began to take off his clothes while his alpha remained gazing at Jimin's body become exposed in front of him. The alpha looked above the screen of his laptop and watched Jimin take off his shirt, his pants, underwear and bra as Jungkook just bit his lip as if he was tempted to walk to Jimin and have him moaning his name. It wasn't every day they had such time like this.

           Jimin then began to put on a red silk lingerie. The bra was laced and his nipples can be seen through them, his red underwear had laced and floral designs over the center that was connected to his black leggings as well. Jimin then placed on his hot pink, silk and cherry blossom designed robe he also purchased along with the undergarments. The omega then closed the dresser and ran his hand up along the side of his hip and looked back with a teasing smirk. “Now do you want to give me attention?~” Jimin asked into a whisper as he turned around and leaned against the dresser, holding the belt of the robe after and swinging it around. The omega stood there as bait to his alpha and waited for Jungkook to come to him already. “Come and touch me, if you want to give me attention that is…” Jimin continued while his husband wouldn't even dare to let this moment slip. “I know a busy alpha like you, always looks for films to act in…” Jimin continued and let out a sigh while he leaned against the dresser. “We could just cut it short and I could entertain you~”

            “You do do much to reel me in. Just this one time I refuse, I find myself going back for you.” Jungkook added and shut the top of the laptop and stood up. The alpha wore a white T-shirt and loose grey bottoms to sleep, but of course, he knew he didn't need any of these tonight. He was only waiting for his husband to join him. Jungkook then stood up and walked to a singular couch against the red walls of the crimson room and just by the couch, there was a remote. Jungkook picked the remote up and set the lights low so he could set the mood and gaze at his omega. Jimin took this as a sign to come up to his alpha now as soon as Jungkook sat down and rested his arms along the armrests of the one-seat couch.

            Silence grew as Jimin approached his alpha and began to remove his silk robe until it dropped onto the floor. By there, he didn't want to stop for a second. Jimin approached the alpha and suddenly pushed Jungkook against the couch and made the younger pull a smile while Jimin sat back on Jungkook's lap and moved his rear against the alpha's standing boner already. Jungkook felt the crease of Jimin's ass along with the laced fabric of the underwear rub against the center of his loose grey bottoms. By there, Jimin turned around and face Jungkook while he climbed over his lap once more to sit down and guide his hands along his own body, running his hands along the delicate hems of his laced lingerie. Jimin bit his lip and tilted his head as a tease while he pushed his hips against the alpha's boner and began to grind his hips to get the dominant hard.

          Jungkook just couldn't believe how Jimin was doing this all on his own! The omega then pulled Jungkook's glasses down teased his lips just hovering over the alpha's lips to let out a sharp breath. The young alpha tried to hold his temptations back, his nails digged into the leather of the armrests while he had his head pointed down, taking a deep breath as he felt his lust raising. He wanted to touch his omega now, but he longed to see how far Jimin was willing to entertain him through this risky little show. Jimin guided his hands up Jungkook's neck and held his hands locked there before he kept grinding his hips against Jungkook's after. “Do you want to play with me now?~” Jimin whispered to the alpha and felt Jungkook's hand guide down to rub against his own member and laid his head back.

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