Chapter 11: A warning

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           Yoongi sat there; amazed at how happy he was to carry Minho and feel happy. For the longest, he always felt as if he didn't want a child. But so far, he was warming up to the idea slowly. “Minho! Don't put your slobber all over me! I'm not your canvas.” Yoongi whispered to the Pup and watched how Minho almost made a smile. The pup actually adored it when someone would talk to him and make him feel like he was getting all the attention. This alone came as a surprise to Yoongi since he didn't really know how much a small pup like Minho could take after his own father, Jungkook. “Oh my, he really is like you, Jungkook! Personality and everything!”

           “Yes, I've noticed that.” Jungkook replied as he looked at Jimin. “This little omega told me all about it.~” Jungkook claimed as Yoongi then leaned his head in to smell Minho’s chubby little neck and make a playful sour face.

            “Minho needs a little bath.” Yoongi laughed while Jimin giggled as Jungkook sprung up and clapped his hands before holding it out for Minho.

             “Alright, let's go my little lion. The sponge bath it is!” Jungkook claimed as Jimin watched how Jungkook walked over to the cabinet to get Minho’s things for his bath. “Come on, Jimin. You can't leave me alone on this one.”

            “Oh I know. Last time you laughed at his little umbilical stump and kept staring at it! You hurt his feelings.” Jimin laughed as Jungkook scoffed and gazed back at Jimin.

           “Minho doesn't even know what feelings are!” Jungkook chuckled as Minho cooed after. “For a newborn, he really does like to coo a lot! He takes after a loud mouth like you.” Teased Jungkook as Jimin carried the small towel and giggled after.

           “Come on Yoongi, if you want to know how it's like to take care of a pup, then follow!” Jimin said as Yoongi nodded his head and chose to follow after. Together, they walked over to the spacious bathroom where Jimin made sure he left Minho’s yellow bathtub clean before they could place Minho in the bathtub. Only then, the little pup started to move his small hands around to refuse taking a sponge bath. “I swear, it's like he understands we're about to wash him.” Jimin laughed as Jungkook looked at Minho in his arms and only let out a laugh while Yoongi helped out by bringing the baby shampoo, Minho's small sponge -used for his sponge bath- and the towel along with a small cup that would be used to wet the sponge.

        Yoongi set the yellow bathtub over the long countertop next to the sink of the blank bathroom that had lights that were good enough to show off such a good lighting for Minho’s sponge bath. “All set. Minho is just left.” Yoongi told the couple as Jimin walked over to Minho, rolled his sleeves up and carried him so he could take the pup’s clothes off. Jimin spent no other second than to walk over to the couch nearby within the nursery room and take Minho's clothes off. Only then, Minho started to struggle.

         “Minho, come on little guy, you need this sponge bath!” Giggled the Omega as Jungkook could hear Minho grunting and kicking his small feet on Jimin as soon as he began to remove the pup’s body suit. “Minie~ come on!” Jimin continued to giggle while Minho suddenly began to cry. Refusing any kind of sponge bath. It was uncomfortable for Minho, but he had to get use to these sponge baths. “I'm doing this because I love you!” Jimin struggled as Minho kept crying, leaving the two alphas at the bathroom to laugh at Jimin continuously. Only then, Jimin managed to fully remove Minho’s clothes and carry him back and wrapped in his teal towel. Along the way, Minho calmed down and was well wrapped in the towel before… He was placed on a small seat to hold him up on the yellow bath. This then resulted in Minho crying again.

         “Okay, which one of you don't like showers?” Yoongi asked as he turned to look at Jungkook or even Jimin. “The poor little pup doesn't seem to like it; So I blame Jungkook.” The Alpha continued to tease as Jimin let out a giggle.

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