Chapter 83: Persistent

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            After a good while after Jimin sat on the bed to contemplate the news of telling Jungkook about their pup, Jungkook was downstairs with his son as he they continued eating cereal together. Since Minho was an alpha, he was able to hear the conversation, but grow clueless because he had no clue to what ‘pregnant' meant. Minho finished the cereal in his milk and looked up at his father to shove his bowl full of milk forward.

          “Minho is done!” Announced the pup happily to his father and made a cute smile. But, Jungkook only glided his eyes down to the bowl of milk Minho pushed forward; only wanting to eat the cereal instead of drinking the milk after.

           “No, Minho is not done. Drink the milk, Min-Min.” Jungkook ordered. Sliding the bowl back and glaring at the pup into his eyes with a more serious tone until, Jungkook began to smile and chuckle after. This alone allowed the pup to smile and giggle too. “But, I'm serious, my little lion. Drink the milk or else you won't be a big boy like me!” Jungkook persisted as the pup looked down at the bowl of milk and gazed back at his father to shake his head; moving his black silk locks around with each shake of his head.

            “Then, Minho will have more chocolate!” Minho tried to convince the older alpha with his cute negotiations and slid the bowl back up. “Minho CAN have.”

           “Minho, CAN'T have.” Jungkook bickered and slid the bowl back. “Take it like a big boy, Minho. Milk won't bite.”


          “We're not getting up from this table until you finish every little thing on that bowl.”

           “MINHO DOESN'T WANT!” Minho shouted in frustration and cupped his own face from how much he refused to drink the remaining milk.

           “Ah… Who am I to fight with a three-year-old alpha?” Jungkook asked as he then stood up and picked the pup into his arms to drain the bowl of milk into the sink. Minho smiled to himself; finally getting his way with his father right after. “Don't you ever mention this to your Daddy. I don't want him to get upset that I let you go without finishing the milk.” Jungkook claimed and opened the fridge to take out a bag of small apple slices without the red skin attached to the fruit. “In the meantime, let's just talk-”

          “Father, what is ‘pregnant'?” Minho asked with a little struggle to pronounce such words he overheard and began to eat out the bag of small, sweet and juicy, apple slices.

          “A-Ah… Where did you hear that word, My little lion?” Jungkook asked and stopped right at the living room.

          “Minho heard father say it to daddy! Am.. I pregnant too?!” Minho asked; so clueless to the definition.

         “P-Pregnant? No! Of course not! Ah… It's better of your daddy explains it to you soon. I just know you're too young to understand. You're only three! A three-year-old shouldn't be asking this much questions!”

          “Minho is smart!” The pup giggled in his father's arms right after as Jungkook let out a laugh. “Minho wants to know what pregnant means!”

           “No. Why don't we play a little piano before I go to work?” Jungkook asked as Jimin leaned over the rails of the stairs to gaze at his alpha and son.

           “Play me a ballad~” Jimin requested and started walking down the steps of the stairs to watch the two. Jimin wore his blue jeans, beige sweater and white house slides after his shower and telling the good news to his husband about him expecting.

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