Chapter 62: A new life

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           Minho heard his father announce that they'll be able to go off to the new house and the pup just couldn't wait any longer. He stood up happily and nodded his head and held his hands out. “Minho is hungry now! Minho wants fried chicken before daddy, father and Minho goes to the new house!” The pup said so happily as he jumped onto Jungkook's back and giggled. It seemed that only now, he wasn't too clingy towards Jeon Jimin anymore and was very neutral towards his two parents and no longer held Jimin on a higher pedestal. Jimin noticed this and couldn't help but to smile and just feel happy that Minho wasn't going to grow into a bigger problem.

           “Minho! Fried chicken isn't breakfast!” Jimin laughed as Jungkook tilted his head to the side so he could look Minho in the eyes and laugh.

            “You heard daddy, no fried chicken for breakfast.” Jungkook told the pup as Minho pouted.

            “You know, I suddenly realized why I craved fried chicken so much when I had Minho in my womb. Ah, it was that little Min-Min all along!” Jimin laughed and got up from the mattress to stretch and let out a huff. “How about we order a meal for breakfast in our new house?” Jimin asked as Minho couldn't stop smiling due to how excited he was. He finally saw Jimin after a long week of waiting, a new house to see and finally a meal with his two father's. It felt so much better to the pup, he was excited about everything.

             “Let's have pizza at the kid cafe!” The pup suggested happily and clung onto Jungkook like he wanted to wrestle. “First breakfast, then kid cafe! Minho wants to play can Sejin come too?”

             “Sejin might be at school today, Min-Min. Let's go, just us three! Just like before. But first, we have to see our new home.” Jimin told the pup and took out his clothes from a suitcase. “Do you want me to help you with your clothes, Min-Min?” Jimin asked as Minho climbed down from Jungkook and looked at the alpha before he could look back at his other father to respond.

            “Daddy, Minho is a big and strong boy now!” The pup added and smiled. “Minho will do it alone.” The pup claimed and ran out of the room to leave Jimin gawking up at his husband.

            “If he comes back here with his pants pulled halfway and his shirt around his neck, I'm going to kick the shit out of you.” Jimin joked as Jungkook smirked and folded his arms before biting his lip right after.

             “Should I read that poster again? I think I forgot what it sai-”

           “No! No, no! I take it back!” Jimin giggled. The alpha smiled and walked up to the doorway to watch Minho from afar take his clothes out of his own small bag and set them onto the bed neatly. “You could reach him to pick out his clothes, put it on, use the toilet, yet you don't want to teach him how to use, I or me instead of saying his own name in a third-person point of view?” Jimin asked as Jungkook placed his hands on his own hips and laughed.

           “But it's cute! We could teach him that when he reaches five.”

            “No, now.” Jimin giggled as Jungkook shook his head and smiled after.

             “Never! He sounds adorable when he says it like that!” The younger claimed right after. Taking out his own luggage for his clothes he will wear today. After, the family was ready to leave with just their hands locked onto their suitcases and bags of clothes; Minho was in Jimin's arms while he carried the two plushies in his arms and pouted at the house he's ever known. He felt bad it was time to leave, but he was excited to see the new house. Jungkook knew that he hired people to the remodel the rooms with the furniture in the house before, along with making the house look nice for Jimin and Minho's arrival.

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