Chapter 73: The pain you caused

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           Yoongi remained silent into the hug while he had his arms wrapped around his beta. He was confused and afraid… he didn't know that will become of the love with his husband and was more afraid of losing the one he loved. “Taehyung…” Yoongi whispered and caught his husband's attention. “D-Don't ever leave me… Please.. I beg of you. I don't want to hurt you if you do. If you ever-”

           “Yoongi, I would never do that to you! Our relationship has just gotten stable and I promise I won't hurt you..” Taehyung added and looked into his lover's eyes. “Why would I leave my one and only?”

            The alpha couldn't tell if this was real or not. It was about now, he began to speculate Taehyung was hiding from him. These words seemed dull, their hug went cold… Where was the spark Yoongi always felt? He beat himself up wondering when they fell short to the feeling of love; But, it wasn't his fault. The fault lied beyond the day Hoseok and Taehyung kissed on set and had these two erotic scenes done. That's where Yoongi believed he lost his the one he loved. The alpha remained looking at the beta and thought, “What I see here is nothing but a shell made from the mold of our love… Inside is nothing but a hollow and small feeling. Darling, where did you go? Did I lose you yesterday? Do I have yet to find you again before I lose you for good? I don't want to kill you if you choose to leave me… If you choose to leave, I'll let you go.. I'll never hurt you no matter what you do to me. I guess I love you too much to think otherwise.” Yoongi thought in his solemn mind.

           “Yoongi, let's get to the party!” Taehyung added excitingly while Yoongi just scoffed and placed his hands in his pocket.

            “You can put away the act. Cameras are done rolling.” Yoongi added before walking to the door. “I'll wait for I always have.” Concluded the alpha and walked off as Taehyung tilted his head and just wondered what his alpha meant by that.

            Jimin laid in bed later on the night, hugging his pup close to him while he rested on Minho's bed. He tried to listen to any sound that could be the person watching them from afar… but he was only ruining his sleep through this. The omega let out a sigh and held Minho in his arms tighter. He wanted to protect his pup while Jungkook went off to shoot midnight scenes for the film and then come back to his pup so it could be his turn to sleep with the boy and keep him safe. But, Jimin had to do it on his own. It was by now, Jungkook set acting before his family once again and Jimin just let Jungkook have his shot today while tomorrow, he would have to spend it with Minho as promised. The omega laid there with the pup in his arms and thought that hopefully, Jungkook could make some time for them once again.

              It came to the omega's attention that every morning felt the same with Jungkook, he'd be awake, Minho would wake up at the same hour and they would talk as Jungkook gets ready. The alpha then kisses the omega in his sleep and only then, Jimin wakes up to an empty spot on his bed. This was something Jimin tried to get rid of. He tried to get up early and see his alpha to change the dull morning, but he never wakes up at the right time. Jimin contemplated the fact that he knew tomorrow Jungkook would stay, but the bigger obstacle up ahead was facing Kyunsji. The omega alone was afraid and each time he worried, he hugged his pup closer until, the boy woke up to the feeling.

             “Mm- Daddy is hurting Minho…” The pup hummed and turned his head back to gaze at the omega. “Daddy…” Minho whispered again and turned around to press his nose against Jimin's and blow air into his cheeks and make a smile while Jimin began to giggle.

             “Sorry for hurting you, Min-Min.” Jimin added as he too blew into his own chubby cheeks and mimicked the pup while they both puffed up their cheeks. This made the omega giggle and suddenly bring the pup into his arms. “I just love hugging my little pup close!”

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