Chapter 44: An alpha like him

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             Jungkook stood there and allowed the officers to look around the room and inspect through the disturbing pictures Kyunsji took of Jimin and Minho. “We've been looking for this alpha ever since he escaped.. We expected him to hide away in his old place, but turns out he ran all the way over here. Alphas like him are the ones to be scared of. They want to get what they want so badly… They'll go over extreme limits to get the one they desire.” The officer added as he noticed a strand of hair on the ground of the dresser. “I can tell he's after Jeon Jimin and Minho too. So he wants you dead. This is no longer an intrusion, this is a threat. He could have killed you last night if it wasn't for something..” The officer continued as he then looked back at the officer by his side while one took out a blue latex glove and slipped it on just to take out the strand of hair.

           The strand had split ends and it was obviously not Jungkook, Minho or Jimin's hair since their hair was healthy and silk, but for the strand that was found, it was just one of the many damaged hair strands from Kyunsji’s hair. Jungkook gazed at the singular strand and then looked back at the officer that held the strand up. “So… Alphas are common to misbehave like this when they desire something so badly?” Jungkook asked as the officer shook his free hand and tilted his head to the side.

           “There's a few of them that go this far… Normally they'd go against the other alpha and end it there. But this one… He waits and waits… He could be onto something.” One of the officers predicted while Jungkook folded his arms and looked down. “It's not safe here. He got in last night and he could do it again. Find another secured place to stay in until he's apprehended.” The officer suggested. Jungkook complied with these orders and thought more on the issue. The officers were right; alphas like Kyunsji would have already killed Jungkook through this already, yet he held back. Unaware the night prior was supposed to be the alpha's last night if it wasn't for Jimin sitting up and yawning from the other room. “There's many thing to him. He seems like he has a mind of a killer… A hunter… A predator.”

              “What are you saying?” Jungkook asked as he too began to suspect that things like these were amiss when it came to an alpha like Kyunsji. With asking that, the officer told there was a possibility that Kyunsji could really be mental. Due to his dark thoughts and twisted ways, it was possible something was really wrong with him. He was in the asylum for a reason because he tried to kill Jungkook over the same reason and this led to isolation by many and constant verbal abuse pointed towards him. Yet, what issues it led him to remained unknown to the media. However, many were against him.

             “Kyunsji could have a disorder. If he really does, that doesn't make it right for you to hurt him like you did before and caused him to be sent to the asylum. However, you hold back now and that's a good thing. Between you and me, if he is mental or has a serious disorder, I would urge you not to hurt him since he'll have an excuse… You however, won't have one.” The man claimed and Jungkook listened carefully. It was just like what Jimin mentioned before; to never add fuel to the fire when it came to handling the scary alpha like this.

            As soon as Minho got out of the shower later, Jimin had the pup wrapped in his towel as he looked into the bedroom and gazed at the officers gathering the evidence and making sure they went off to prove that Kyunsji really did break in for that matter. Minho caught a glimpse of the officers and let out a cute giggle while he was wrapped entirely in a huge blue towel in Jimin's arms. “Officers!” Minho said with a giggle while the officers looked at the pup and smiled on their way out.

          “Good to see you, Minho!” Said the two in unison and made the pup feel special that everyone knew about him. “Stay safe and out of trouble.” The man said as Jimin smiled and bowed to the officers as they left with the evidence.

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