Chapter 77: While we wait

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            Minho woke up the following morning to see that his father Jungkook, was laying in bed and not even thinking about going to work for the day. Minho smiled feeling ecstatic at the thought and believed they would spend it together like always. However, he didn't know that Jungkook cancelled work so he could be there for Jimin during his heat. It was unknown when it'll hit, but Jimin was sure it would be today or later on. As far as the omega and the alpha knew, they needed to get Minho out of the house before the time comes.

           “Daddy is staying!” Minho said happily as Jungkook batted his eyes awake to see Minho sitting up and giggling while Jimin was still fast asleep.

          “Ah! Minho, how long has my little lion been up?” Jungkook asked as he sat up to roll his hair back and stretch. “Did you just wake up?”

           “Minho found father! Father isn't going to work so, Minho, father and daddy could go together to the kid cafe!” Minho said excitedly, but Jungkook just couldn't agree. He had a reason to take a few days off and that was for Jimin's needs. Not to go out and play. Jungkook hated the fact that the pup was excited for the day ahead, but he didn't know he'd have to go with the Kim family instead of his own. Alas, the little pup was still oblivious to the whole heat and rut things the alphas and omegas experience. Mostly because this talk needed to surface once the pup is finally about to reach his mature state. This is when his first rut kicks in and Jimin hoped to tell him all about it before he gets it. Keeping their innocent view on their little pup as always.

           The big difference between Sejin and Minho was, Sejin was more older and it was already explained to her what her role was in society as a beta, what was the purposes in heats and ruts, so she understood clearly when she'd be sent off to her grandparents house and when Minho comes over to spend days with the family. She knew many things and Minho was still kept as the innocent, little and pure pup in his parents’ eyes.

            “Minho, we can't go today.. Your father and I have to handle something very important.” Jungkook broke the news to the pup, but this alone was enough to make Minho feel upset that his parents barely had time where the three could go out and have fun. All those lovely ideas within his train of thought, came crashing against the wall and Minho just gave a sad pout.

             “Then Minho will be all alone!” Minho rose his voice and began to tear up as Jungkook then pulled his son into his arms and looked down at the young boy.

            “Minho, it's not like that…” Jungkook chuckled as Minho then made an angry pout while glaring at his father. “You'll be with Sejin, Namjoon and Jin for a few days until we come back. It'll be like last time, but I promise you, it won't be for a week. I'll get you whatever you want when you get back and Daddy could start teaching you some piano lessons and I could teach you when I get the chance too! So it'll be us on my free days. Until then, you'll spend time with them for today and a few more days after. I promise you, we won't forget to pick you up.” Jungkook promised as Minho nodded his head and had his arms out to move himself into a hug with his father.

            “Minho won't have a piano teacher friend?” Minho whispered as Jungkook smiled and ran his fingers through the pup's hair back to smile at the young boy.

           “No, but we will be getting a bodyguard. He could be your friend when he gets here.”

           “W-When?!” Minho asked excitedly, not knowing that it would be weeks from now so Manager Xin could make sure this bodyguard is good enough to be able to guard the family. They couldn't be too sure on who they were hiring so taking weeks to hire and verify this new bodyguard was assuring and mandatory for safety.

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