Chapter 68: No rest

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            It was about the second time Minho witnessed Jimin become so broken within seconds. The pup only wondered what went through his father's mind and he knew the alpha inside him just wasn't going to leave his father alone until he comforted him. Minho took one last bite from his pancake as he climbed off his chair and hurried over to the omega right by the door. By there, he heard his father whisper every word and tear up inside due to how tired he was of walking down the same road. He couldn't stand Kyunsji's constant behavior and found the alpha like an annoying bee that kept coming back to sting. There was no escape and Jimin knew it.

          “Silly me to think he was going to stop… But of course, he would never..” Jimin added and dried his tears. “H-He'll never leave me alone… Not until I die..”

          “Minho is sad, Daddy…” Minho whispered and stepped out to the porch and grabbed Jimin by his right hand. “Daddy needs to go inside! The monster-”

          “This is the monster…” Jimin added and rose the letter up while Minho remained gazing at it since he didn't know how to read. “But, there could be more monsters out there that helped this monster send this..” Jimin concluded as the pup then leaned in to hug Jimin by wrapping his arms around his neck and giving his father a hug.

          “Minho can't read..” The pup added and let out a giggle as Jimin cheered up through his tears. He knew Kyunsji found the new address to their house and knew the only way to silence this alpha was to go over to the prison and warn him and take his privileges away. By there, he won't be able to send letters to Jimin… Yet, showing up at the prison one time was enough to make the alpha get what he wants. Jimin didn't know what was up that man's sleeve, but he was sure to tell Jungkook about everything. There was a possibility that there was another person involved, but the only one Kyunsji knew other than Jimin and Minho, was the beta back at the asylum; However, she was never given time to roam freely around. Only now, Jimin knew he that he wasn't safe anywhere outside. Jungkook was right all along even if he didn't know about another person who delivered the letter right outside their door.

            “I-It's not safe here… Let's go inside..” Jimin added as the omega then stood up and picked his pup up. Saying goodbye to the only time they had outside. It's only been a day, but Jimin missed going outside and having such a lovely garden, a majestic ocean up ahead to call his name; seemed like bait to him. Tempting him to run out and gaze at the beautiful scenery. He believed this was going to be another step into a safe life without Kyunsji; he believed they were safe, however, safe was nothing but a dream to him.

             “Minho can't ever go outside… Minho hates that monster..” The pup pouted and still carried the scent of syrup in his hands while Jimin had his young alpha in his arms; still limping along the way back to the kitchen before ensuring that the door was secured lock.

             “I know, Min-Min… I hate that monster too.” Jimin whispered and set the pup down so he could go wash his small hands. Jimin watched Minho run off as he grew silent and kept his eyes locked onto the pup. “I hate that monster too..” Jimin spoke to himself and looked at the letter. It seemed to be nothing but Kyunsji baiting the omega; calling him over to the prison to visit because deep down, Jimin knew that Kyunsji would never stop and give Jimin up that easily. “I'll just… Visit and tell him off… Then I'll tell the prison to take his privileges from sending letters. He'll stop then!” Jimin told himself and hugged himself before feeling like every single movement he made, was like he was being watched by someone… Knowing that the mailman couldn't have been the one that walked into the property to drop off the letter personally. But who else could it have been?

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