Chapter 103: Everlasting love

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        The mother then stepped up to dry the pup's tears, but Taehyung was already there wiping them away from the younger beta's face. Making the situation a little awkward as the woman stood there and stuffed her hand back in her pocket before taking out Ju-won's documents. “I-I wanted to talk to the two of you…” Said the woman as the father stepped forward behind her once Yoongi shut the door.

        “I guess you can say that we wanted to talk to you two as well…” Taehyung bickered into a mumble, and Yoongi was left in silence after. “Please sit.” Taehyung ordered and the guests quickly sat down. They were aware that he was a celebrity; making things more embarrassing for the two of them to show up after two months of their absence. As the two sat down, Taehyung looked at them head to toe as if he was judging them right at the spot.

         “What happened after all this time?” Yoongi asked first and with that, Taehyung nodded his head in agreement to hear on what happened to them to make them leave Ju-won like this. “Where have you been? Were you forced to come back here for Ju-won?” Wondered the alpha as the father cleared his throat to answer. The mother on the other hand, was silent and staring at the pup with dismay. Guilt lingered on in her mind and regret she had from making her pup suffer this much.

         “Well… We just… Couldn't take care of him.. You know at times, you're so confident in something, you don't want to give up but then, along the way you lose love in that special something.” The man spoke. However, Taehyung just couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could someone lose love in raising their own pup? “We struggled with him… Let alone we had him so young and once we found out he was a beta… We knew our family would think of him as a waste… I'm sorry...”

          “You know, that's very immature to throw him away when your parents don't grow very fond of a beta. So if your parents don't like him? How many times did you abandon him? How many people did you have to and talk to before taking him and repeating everything? Don't you ever think about what he might feel under all of this?” Taehyung snapped and went into telling the couple how much fear could build within the pup towards all the time he spent wandering around and calling other alphas, betas or even omegas his own parents, he was suffering through it all. “If you can't take care of him… then give him to someone who can.” Taehyung insisted as the mother's eyes locked onto the ground.

          “Seeing how he's grown so used to you after all this time and clings onto you even when he sees his own mother after so long, it shows that you have showed him love… I-I think I want you to hold onto him longer.” The woman claimed and Yoongi folded his arms after hearing this answer.

           “What is he? Like some item to hold onto? No.. I think it's better if you step up your responsibility or just set him up for adoption… We'll take care of him and adopt him as our own.” Yoongi spoke to the parents and made the other alpha in the room silent. Ju-won's appearance seemed to come off from his father even more. The eyes and nose while he had the pale face of his mother, red plump lips and the rosy cheeks as well.

           “Then if you want him… we need money in exchange and we'll leave you both with him… Here are documents.” The father spoke and Taehyung alone was in disbelief after hearing about what the parents were aiming to bargain at the moment.

            “You want money in exchange? Putting your child up for adoption for money? You two just never gave him a chance… Didn't you?” Taehyung questioned and this left the woman to sigh. Only then, Yoongi sat next to his beta and sat down right by his side to gaze at him.

              “Taehyung… Just let it happen. How much do you want?” Yoongi asked and looked at the couple. “Name your price and in exchange, you put Ju-won into the adoption center and we will adopt him.” Spoke the alpha and Taehyung just didn't like that the parents thought Ju-won was just a little object to hold and sell like nothing. It was because he was a beta; incapable of bearing children and let alone, they were only seen as toys in this society. However, Taehyung wasn't so fond of the thought of accepting Ju-won for a price… yet, it was the only way they would leave Ju-won to the ones who really loved him. Taehyung imagined the pain that would come if Ju-won was sent off and dropped once again from his snobby parents. Taehyung had to agree in order to make them go away.

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