Chapter 35: Attention seeker

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          Towards nighttime, Minho wore a big white bunny jumpsuit to sleep as he ran around the house with his Cooky and Chimmy plushies by his side. These plushed animals really did serve as a way to fill in his empty void when he really had no one his age to play with. This left Minho to feel lonely when his parents would be cooking or Jungkook would go out to shoot movies. It took awhile for Jungkook to finally go back out there and after a good month once Minho was born, he started to work and gain back his fame; still keeping his famous reputation to himself. While Minho was running around the house and throwing his plushies to make a cute smile after, Jungkook walked into the bedroom to see Jimin putting on a red sweater over his white silk pajama bottoms. By there, Jungkook walked in and gazed at how Jimin placed on the sweater over his petite and curvy body.

          “You're so gorgeous..” Jungkook whispered as he walked in with a smile and folded his arms. “I'd prefer you sleep with nothing on~” Jungkook commented as he pushed up his his round glasses to gaze at his lover with such a smirk before licking his lips. “You know how uncontrollable I get when it comes to seeing you like this~” Jungkook continued as he moved in and hugged Jimin from the back and ran his hands up Jimin's torso from underneath the red sweater, just so he could slip his hands under the cropped bra and feel Jimin's breast so softly.

           “.. N-No… Ah-Ah Jungkook!” Jimin giggled as Jungkook dropped his hand down on the center of Jimin's bottoms while he gave his omega a kiss before looking back and making sure Minho wasn't witnessing this all. “I can't… I can't sleep with you tonight and you know that already… Minho n-needs me..” Whispered the omega as he suddenly gripped onto Jungkook's wrists and had to deny the feeling. “I-I swear… You almost made me reach my heat right there..” Jimin added as he walked forward and rolled down his sweater. “Minho doesn't like sleeping on his own and likes it when I'm there.”

         “Why am I not surprised?”

        “Jungkookie… We had sex last week! You crazy alpha.” Jimin giggled as he walked up to his alpha so he could push up the glasses. “You always sleep alone and I worry..”

         “I always manage. Just last week, we had to drop Minho off with Jin and Namjoon just so he wouldn't feel deprived of an omega being by him. Maybe soon we can do it again~” Jungkook added with a smile and only made Jimin push the alpha once more with another giggle.

         “Stop it! Ah, I need to go put Minho to sleep.” Jimin added as he looked up at the clock that flashed 8:30 PM. “He needs rest.” Jimin told himself and before he could even walk out the room, Jungkook held his hand and suddenly pulled the omega back from the collar of his sweater. Causing the omega to gasp as he looked back to see Jungkook gripping onto the sweater to make him stay. “Jungkookie!”

       “Babe… I was meaning to ask you; what did you do to Kyunsji's letters? I thought we would normally ignore them since Kyunsji only looks for attention through that. Babe, he's baiting us back out there. He just wants to hurt you.” Jungkook continued as Jimin looked at Jungkook and back at his hand that held the omega back from running off.

       “How do we know.. He might not be giving us threats?”

        “Baby, if he gave us threats, than he's not really going to do them. That guy is bad news and everything, but I doubt he'll tell us before coming after us. He knows how to keep things secretive and if he was to come and get us, he wouldn't give us a hint. We've been safe from this guy for three years! I think it's fair that we drop this.. He isn't coming for us any longer. I hate repeating this every time…” Jungkook stated and then pulled Jimin into a hug.

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