Chapter 27: The one I should love

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        Concurrently, Hoseok was still at Jungkook and Jimin's house; taking care of Minho as he fed him the bottle. He allowed Taehyung to rest while he took over. However, the beta refused to let Hoseok take care of Minho on his own since Taehyung wanted to handle this on his own with Yoongi and prepare the alpha on how it would feel to finally raise a pup. Yet, Yoongi was busy sleeping and staying far as Taehyung was left with Jung Hoseok.

          Of course, there was nothing wrong with having the Alpha there, he only wanted to sit and take care of Minho. But, the more he sat there with the pup, the more it made Taehyung worry that Hoseok might even try to do something and cause them to move in closer. It was just a feeling Taehyung received deep down; not really meaning anything to him at all. Hoseok was feeding minho as he made a smile at the pup and looked into his eyes. “Minho is so perfect.. I could only imagine how adorable pups are to raise. Aside from all the crying and diaper changes, I think having a pup seems nice.” Chuckled the alpha as he looked at Taehyung; who kept his eyes open through each second even if it was difficult to stay wide awake. “Taehyung? I said you could go to sleep. I'll take care of Minho..” The boss said as Taehyung yawned and shook his head.

          “Mmh… No.. No I can't imagine leaving you with such a big responsibility.. I have to take care of Minho.. Yoongi and I.” The beta whispered as his eyelids suddenly became heavy like a ton of bricks weighed them down. Only then, he let out a huff of breath and kept silent after while his eyes were closed. He loved the feeling of keeping his eyes closed while he was sleepy, but only then, he started to fall asleep. This caused the beta to jump awake as he let out a sigh.

          “Look at you… You're tired. Get some rest, you've been working all day yesterday and you've done so much for Minho today. You changed his diapers, read to him and kept him happy. Let me do something. You and Yoongi should rest.” Hoseok continued as Taehyung leaned back and let out an exhale and shook his head.

          “Minho… I should take care of Minho. You're a director. What makes it so different from you and I? You would be more exhausted.”

           “I'm used to it. Rest, Taehyung. It's bad for you to hold in such a constant restless sleep schedule.” The alpha continued as he then held Minho up and started to burp him. “I wouldn't want you to get sick or have bags under your eyes, Tae.” The man continued and with only the nickname being said, it woke Taehyung up with a flinch as he looked down and cupped his own face. For a second there, he could have sworn that name made him smile, yet, it was something his Yoongi would call him along with names like, Honey or darling. Taehyung was so used to hearing his lover utter the words, he smiled and blushed as soon as he heard it. Yet, it wasn't from the one he loved. “Are you okay? You jumped so suddenly!” Chuckled the alpha as Minho let out a burp.

          “I-I'm okay… I just tried to keep myself up.” The beta said as he rolled his hair back and gazed back at Hoseok. “Do you… Plan to stay here all day?”

          “I wanted to stay here for Minho and help you out. I don't see Yoongi running out here to assist you, so why not? Do I bother you, Tae?”

          “N-No I was only wondering.” Taehyung whispered as he looked down at his hands and tapped the tips of his fingers against each other as he blinked his eyes. “Why do you seem so close to me…?”

           “I'll be honest with you, I don't really have friends. So I wanted to talk to you. If you say it's an issue and don't want me here, tell me. I can leave and only see you on sets. I guess I'd be pretty weirded out if my boss suddenly watched over me on my day off.” The alpha stated. Just then, Taehyung felt too shy or guilty to tell Hoseok to leave. It was something he just couldn't bring himself to do. “I think you're a nice boy, Taehyung. Yoongi is so lucky to have you.” Laughed the boss as Taehyung smiled to himself before turning his gaze to focus his all at the alpha who still carried the pup so happily in his arms. “He really is! Ah, you're such a good beta. I wish I could have met someone like you so I wouldn't be this lonely like how I am now.” The alpha said and then held Minho over his chest while he laid back and allowed the pup to throw his small fist all over the man's chest and coo after.

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