Chapter 81: High risks for you

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            It was about three days later. Today was the day after Jimin's heat finished and Minho wasn't worried about his parents even staying home. He knew his parents were coming for him and that was what he looked forward to. The pup sat down with Sejin in the afternoon as he carried around his sippy cup and wore his bright blue overalls with a white shirt under. The pup joined Sejin in her room with colors of pink and glitter popping out more. Sejin wasn't the type to love the color pink, she was more into a lavender color; but of course, Seokjin didn't take a no for an answer.

           Minho crouched as he watched Sejin read a small book to herself. The young girl wore a bright blue shirt, denim shorts with white socks and her long, silk, hair was tied at the top for a high ponytail. The beta read the short and easy story to herself until, Minho scooted in closer with his crouch. “What do you want, Minho?” Sejin asked and set the book down to look at the pup. “Are you bored?”

          “Yes! Minho is very bored.” The pup said into a smile as he looked at the book. “Minho likes the book! Can you read to Minho?”

           “Minho, why do you still do that?”

           “Minho does what?” The pup asked and sat back onto the floor so he could listen to the beta.

            “Refer to your own name. You should say, I or Me when describing yourself. Don't say Minho thinks this… Or Minho wants this. Sooner or later, you'll have to get over that.” Sejin said as Namjoon happened to walk by while listening to music when he then heard Minho and Sejin holding a conversation. He always found their conversations to be quite amusing and just loved to eavesdrop every time with Jin or just himself. Namjoon adjusted his white T-shirt over his faded blue jeans while he wore black socks. Showing that he just came back from heading out and doing his afternoon daily walk.

           “Minho doesn't know how to do that!” Minho giggled and held his sippy cup close while Sejin closed the book she was reading and tilted her head. “Sejin must show Minho!”

             “Alright, first, you don't use your name in the conversation. Only other people could say your name. You only say it when you introduce yourself. So, lets try. How are you feeling today, Jeon Minho?” Sejin asked as Minho smiled excitedly to be able to play. He always took things as games to play since he alone was just a three-year old boy; much more younger than Sejin by two years.

           “Oh! Minho is feeling great! Minho loves playing games!” Minho replied. Sejin then sighed and decided to toss in the towel too early. “Sejin, Minho doesn't like this game! Minho wants to talk about the ‘future'.”

           “Like aliens and stuff?”

          “No, uncle Taehyung isn't here right now. Focus, Sejin!” The pup added as Sejin began to giggle while Namjoon tried his best not to start laughing. “Minho has many wons to buy pups! When Minho and Sejin is a big boy and girl, Minho will buy a ring for Sejin and pups too! Minho and Sejin are the only ones alone! So Minho will form a team with Sejin!” The younger alpha concluded and Sejin understood what he meant. So, she kept giggling after.

         “Not a team, Minho! It's marriage! And yes, I will marry you!” Sejin added and she too thought of it as something someone can go up to someone so close and say.

         “Then, Minho will marry Kim Sejin!” The pup announced into a cute giggle while Namjoon coughed and finally had it in him to step up after hearing too much.

         “Hey, Hey! You two are too young to get married! Minho, you need to gain my blessings and Seokjin's blessings to marry Sejin. Then you could celebrate.” Namjoon said and busted the young pups' bubble.

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