Chapter 47: What you do to me

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             Yoongi stood in the bedroom as he could hear a slight sound of Taehyung's sharp gasp or even a soft whimper. This left the alpha to stand there and cover his own ears while he dropped onto the floor and kept cupping his own ears. The sounds kept slipping through the cracks and creases of his own hands and he ended up hearing everything… Every moan, every cry and huff… The alpha couldn't take it anymore! It was like he could picture his loving beta on the bed while Hoseok touched him and looked back to give a malicious smirk. Wanting to claim Taehyung as his own and steal him away from Yoongi forever.

                “S-Stop it… Stop!” Yoongi whispered to himself and still covered his ears, but like many alphas, his hearing was very sharp. He could hear the crisp sound of Taehyung squirming around on the living room couch, the springs of the couch squeak silently while the beta would arch his body forward and then bite his own lip in the bitter satisfaction. Knowing Yoongi believed he'll never be able to love Taehyung like this, left the alpha to lose himself. “T-Taehyung… Tae… S-Stop it…” The alpha begged and still covered his ears until, he heard a pause to it all and this caused Yoongi to go see what it was. Yoongi always promised he would never hurt his own beta, but that didn't mean he didn't have urges to do so… Yoongi was just like any other alpha out there, yet he allowed pity and allowed to get stepped all over like this by his own husband.

                The alpha ran out of the room as he made it out to where Taehyung lied and gazed at his own husband, laying there on his side while he faced away and hugged himself. The alpha couldn't hurt his beta… Taehyung was innocent and Yoongi knew it; he just didn't want to hurt his own husband after but that didn't mean he didn't have the urges to do it. “What are you doing to me…?” Yoongi whispered to himself as he then walked up to his beta and pulled him into a hug while he pulled his Taehyung close on the couch together. “ you hurt me without even knowing it?” Yoongi asked again. However, he didn't know that Taehyung himself was awake and was tearing up slowly to himself. Having these constant dreams became too much for him and only now, he couldn't dare to wonder what his fate had in store for him. But one thing for sure, he knew he still loved his alpha and rose his hands to lock with Yoongi's as the couple stared off into the curtains of the window up ahead in silence.

            “Yoongi…” Taehyung breathed as he then closed his eyes after. “I don't mean to hurt you… I don't have control over these things…” The beta mentioned as Yoongi brought his husband into a hug before he let out a sharp sigh. “I think.. The only reason why I'm still getting these things is because… I don't want to lose Hoseok as a friend.” Taehyung confessed as he looked back at his alpha. “But, if it's for my husband, I'll get rid of him… I promise. It'll just be us once again like the good old days.” Assured the younger as Yoongi looked into his lover's eyes and finally felt at ease; knowing by now, everything will be better now.


            Later on at night, Jungkook and Jimin set their luggages on by the open door to the dark hallway with toys scattered everywhere. Jimin started to make the bed along with his alpha in silence as he looked up to see Jungkook thinking to himself and scowling while he was doing so. This made Jimin tilt his head as he stopped fixing the covers over the bed and watched Jungkook stop as he clenched his fist so suddenly.

            “Moving… Running..” Jungkook whispered to himself as Jimin grew silent to listen to his alpha even more. “Running away from him like a bunch of cowards..”

            “Jungkookie… What's gotten into you? You were fine about it before…” Jimin added as Jungkook slowly brought his vicious gaze over at the omega and shook his head slightly.

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