Chapter 82: My hidden surprise

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          It was about three weeks later, dawn broke and the sun dried up the morning dew. Jimin woke up mostly nauseas time to time due to morning sickness and would rush to the bathroom to throw up last night's dinner. The omega stood up in the morning and placed on an oversized burgundy sweater as he rolled his hair back. Of course, Jimin was no stranger to this and only made a smile after feeling it. The truth was, Jimin knew he was pregnant by three weeks; he just hid it to surprise his alpha as soon as possible. For all these weeks, he hid a personal kit with omega fragrance and a pregnant test. His scent was bound to change, but for now… He wore the fragrance to hide his pregnancy until he tested on the stick to show Jungkook the big news.

         There was no doubt Jimin has been spraying the omega fragrance all over himself to hide it until he knew the perfect time. Of course, Jungkook was bound to smile and grow excited of the news compared to what unfolded years back when Jimin confessed about his first pregnancy with Minho. Things didn't end well and Jungkook was upset the first time Jimin was expecting. But now, there was no doubt about the glee going to strike inside once the news is out. Jimin took out his small care kit from his drawer within his nest and looked back at Jungkook and Minho sleeping together happily. Only then, Jungkook opened his eyes to see the omega walking off to the bathroom with something in his hands.

          “What do you have there?” Jungkook asked as Jimin flinched and looked back to see his alpha sitting up with Minho over his chest as always. “Well?”

           “Things~” Jimin said and made a smile before walking off to the bathroom. The omega still carried the fragrance to seal his scent and only chose to wash it off after he gets the results on the pregnancy test. The omega left the room without another word and smiled while closing the door behind him after. Going to test himself after. The alpha gawked at the door longing to know what Jimin was hiding. The omega's scent didn't change; or so he thought… so,Jungkook believed Jimin wasn't pregnant at all and was just going to the bathroom to start his normal day.

              Jungkook kept staring at the bathroom door as Minho woke up and rubbed his eyes to gawk around in silence. “Morning, My little lion~” Jungkook said with a smile as Minho returned the grin and blinked his eyes; still feeling a little drowsy. “Let's go brush our teeth in your bathroom since your Daddy wants to take too much time in there as always…” Jungkook chuckled and rubbed noses with the pup as he then got up and walked out of the room with Minho in his arms. “In a month or so, it'll be your fourth birthday!” Jungkook told his young pup as the three-year-old gasped excitedly. “Have anything planned on what cake you would like?”

            “Minho loves chocolate!” The pup said with ecstatic pumping through his blood as Jungkook stopped right in front of the younger alpha's door to smile right at him.

            “Just like your daddy~” Jungkook replied and set the pup down in the bathroom so the two could brush their own teeth while Jimin was busy in the other bathroom. After brushing his own teeth with his own pup, Jungkook walked with the young alpha in his arms and to the kitchen where he began to serve his son and himself a bowl of cereal. “Oh, I forgot to mention… Today, Mr. Xin will show us a potential bodyguard for you and your Daddy. The guard will keep you both safe.” Jungkook assured the pup. Just as Jungkook opened the pantry for cereal, Minho's eyes lit up as soon as he glanced at the cereal of ‘Oreo O's'. Minho loved these alone since it was close to chocolate in his cereal.

           “F-FATHER! THAT!” Minho shouted and crawled onto the counter to point desperately. “MINHO WANTS CHOCOLATE CEREAL, PLEASE!” The pup kept begging to his father. Jungkook looked forward and smiled at the box before reaching for it and taking it down the high shelf to place it on the counter for his pup.

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